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5.1.2 Holiday Calendar

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5.1.2 Holiday Calendar

Sat Jul 09, 2022 12:34 am
Haven't been here in a while, hope everyone is keeping healthy.

Been running an old build for a while (from easrly 2021 I think) and last weekend I decided to try a new build - kmymoney5-5.1+QT511+KF565+git.20220701T123656.220927a (unzipped portable) on Windows 10, mainly to see if I can run things with encryption as the 2021 build I had did not support it, but noticed that I am unable to select a "Use Holiday calendar for region" from the drop down box as the only option is none.
The previous build had the options but not this one.

Did I unzip incorrectly or this is a "bug by design"?

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Re: 5.1.2 Holiday Calendar

Sat Jul 09, 2022 3:04 am
From where did you download this version? I'm not aware of any intentional omission of being able to load KDE holidays, but there have been changes in the system used to build windows images which might possibly have such a side effect. When you run kmymoney, and hit Help/About KMyMoney, what version does it show?
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Re: 5.1.2 Holiday Calendar

Sat Jul 09, 2022 3:59 am
It was a preview build from

Version 5.1.2
KDE 5.65.0
Qt 5.11.1

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Re: 5.1.2 Holiday Calendar

Sat Jul 09, 2022 5:18 am
KHoliday support needs to be enabled during compilation. Otherwise, only the "None" option is displayed. Since I did not find any logs of the build, I can't tell if that was the case or not. Only the builder of said package can. As an alternative, you could try to use the version build on the KDE infrastructure and check if that one supports it.

ipwizard, proud to be a member of the KMyMoney forum since its beginning. :-D
openSuSE Leap 15.4 64bit, KF5
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Re: 5.1.2 Holiday Calendar

Sat Jul 09, 2022 5:57 am
Will do. And to be sure, there is no stable 5.x.x build on windows atmo supporting encryption correct?
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Re: 5.1.2 Holiday Calendar

Sat Jul 09, 2022 6:28 am
I think yes. That is a problem still to be solved.

ipwizard, proud to be a member of the KMyMoney forum since its beginning. :-D
openSuSE Leap 15.4 64bit, KF5
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Re: 5.1.2 Holiday Calendar

Sat Jul 09, 2022 5:09 pm
OK, thanks, I guess that will not accomplish what I need as the latest build #1457 on Jenkins behaves as the current build I've been running since 2021.

I'm trying to address 2 issues from that 2021 build I'm currently running: lack of encryption and a bug in the investment reports not showing (filerting out?) investment values that was not present in 4.8.x.

5.1.2 appears to rectify the above but lacks the holiday calendar. I have to find a spell to counteract this 2 steps foward 1 step back curse ;D
Stephen Leibowitz
Registered Member

Re: 5.1.2 Holiday Calendar

Sat Jul 09, 2022 6:44 pm
I downloaded kmymoney-master-1573-windows-msvc2019_64-cl.7z from

About KMyMoney showed the version number to be 5.1.80-23b5ce61e

Settings > Configure KMyMoney > Scheduled transactions > Use holiday calendar for region > None
Clicking on None gave a drop-down box with options from Algeria to Zambia.

tcpsorcerer had two reasons for trying a newer build. One was that GPG encryption was not working. As a stopgap, I suggest VeraCrypt.

tcpsorcerer’s other reason was a “bug in the investment reports not showing (filtering out?) investment values that was not present in 4.8.x.” If that bug was not previously reported, then perhaps tcpsorcerer can do so.
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Re: 5.1.2 Holiday Calendar

Sun Jul 10, 2022 12:27 pm
Stephen Leibowitz wrote:I downloaded kmymoney-master-1573-windows-msvc2019_64-cl.7z from

About KMyMoney showed the version number to be 5.1.80-23b5ce61e

Settings > Configure KMyMoney > Scheduled transactions > Use holiday calendar for region > None
Clicking on None gave a drop-down box with options from Algeria to Zambia.

The part Nightly in the link, the part master in the filename and the version 5.1.80 identify this as the current development version. Please be aware that it may eat your cat and dog besides your data :) I recommend using the (also nightly build) stable version instead. It also contains the holiday region support.

Stephen Leibowitz wrote:tcpsorcerer had two reasons for trying a newer build. One was that GPG encryption was not working. As a stopgap, I suggest VeraCrypt.

tcpsorcerer’s other reason was a “bug in the investment reports not showing (filtering out?) investment values that was not present in 4.8.x.” If that bug was not previously reported, then perhaps tcpsorcerer can do so.

Regarding the latter it is very much welcome if a short demo file can be supplied which shows the problem together with the report output in PDF with 4.8 and 5.1.

Regarding the former, I think the gpgme library is still missing for Windows. So far, nobody stepped up to fix it. Looking at the build log one finds evidence of the above:
08:38:31 -- Could NOT find KF5Gpgmepp (missing: KF5Gpgmepp_DIR)
08:38:31 -- Could NOT find KF5Gpgmepp: found neither KF5GpgmeppConfig.cmake nor kf5gpgmepp-config.cmake
08:38:36 -- The following OPTIONAL packages have not been found:
08:38:36 * Gpgmepp
08:38:36 * Qt5WebChannel (required version >= 5.15.10)
08:38:36 * Qt5WebEngineCore (required version >= 5.15.10)
08:38:36 * Qt5WebEngineWidgets
08:38:36 * KF5Gpgmepp (required version >= 5.2)
08:38:36 * Doxygen, Generate API documentation with Doxygen (for devs only).
08:38:36 * aqbanking (required version >= 6.0.1)
08:38:36 * gwenhywfar (required version >= 5.1.2)
08:38:36 * gwengui-cpp
08:38:36 * gwengui-qt5
08:38:36 -- The following features have been enabled:
08:38:36 * Address book, Allows fetching payee information from KDE PIM system.
08:38:36 * Holidays, Allows fetching holidays from KDE PIM system.
08:38:36 * Forecast view, Adds possibility to calculate forecasts.
08:38:36 * Reports view, Adds possibility to display chart and table reports.
08:38:36 * Budget view, Adds possibility to plan a budget.
08:38:36 * Online job outbox view, Adds outbox for sending online jobs.
08:38:36 * SQL Storage, Allows storing your financial data in SQL database.
08:38:36 * SQLCipher, Allows encrypting your SQLite3 database.
08:38:36 * OFX Importer, Allows importing OFX files (have client uid version: yes)
08:38:36 * Woob, Online banking interface using Woob.
08:38:36 * iCalendar, iCalendar integration.
08:38:36 * QIF Importer, Allows importing QIF files.
08:38:36 * QIF Exporter, Allows exporting QIF files.
08:38:36 * GNC Importer, Allows importing GNUCash files.
08:38:36 * CSV Importer, Allows importing CSV files.
08:38:36 * CSV Exporter, Allows exporting CSV files.
08:38:36 * New features, Compiles unfinished features for testing.
08:38:36 * Fetch translations, Downloads KMyMoney translations from KDE l10n SVN
08:38:36 -- The following features have been disabled:
08:38:36 * Encryption, Allows to store your financial data using strong GPG encryption.
08:38:36 * Doxygen, Generate API documentation with Doxygen (for devs only).
08:38:36 * IBAN/BIC data, Adds predefined IBAN/BIC numbers to KMyMoney (note: doesn't work yet).
08:38:36 * KBanking, Interface for the following online banking protocols: HBCI, EBICS, OFX Direct Connect, Paypal
08:38:36 *, create script to support local execution
08:38:36 * Model test, Generate modeltest code (for devs only).
08:38:36 * QtDesigner, Qt-Designer library support (for devs only).

ipwizard, proud to be a member of the KMyMoney forum since its beginning. :-D
openSuSE Leap 15.4 64bit, KF5
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Re: 5.1.2 Holiday Calendar

Mon Jul 11, 2022 1:07 am
Stephen Leibowitz - thank you for the VeraCrypt recoommend. I'll check it out.

ipwizard - thank you for the details, I will take sometime to provide feedback on the bug. Help/Report Bug is the acceptable channel?
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KDE Developer

Re: 5.1.2 Holiday Calendar

Mon Jul 11, 2022 5:16 am
tcpsorcerer wrote:Help/Report Bug is the acceptable channel?

Yes, exactly.

p.s. as ipwizard and tcpsorcerer we will rock the stack :-D

ipwizard, proud to be a member of the KMyMoney forum since its beginning. :-D
openSuSE Leap 15.4 64bit, KF5
Stephen Leibowitz
Registered Member
The msvc-based preview from the master branch is the “current development version.” My reason for testing it was to be thorough. There have been some regressions, particularly with OFX and GPG. And tcpsorcerer reported that the Holiday Calendar was not working in the gcc-based preview. Fortunately, the Holiday Calendar works in the msvc-based previews from both the stable and master branches.

There seems little reason for tcpsorcerer to use the msvc-based preview from the master branch for production work. But it is useful for testing. tcpsorcerer mentioned a possible bug in the investment reports for the msvc-based preview (1457) from the stable branch. The language is not entirely clear, but it sounds like tcpsorcerer is saying that the bug was rectified in the gcc-based preview. As a part of any detailed reporting of the bug, tcpsorcerer might also test if it is in the msvc-based preview from the master branch.
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Re: 5.1.2 Holiday Calendar

Mon Jul 11, 2022 9:43 pm
Hello ipwizard and Stephen Leibowitz,

I was about to submit the bug report, however I noticed somthing different and wanted to give some feedback first.

Originally, I was trying to get the latest build to see what is new and if the 2 bugs (no Encryption and stocks not showing in networth report) might have been addressed.

I did not know exactly where to get the latest functioning (as opposed to stable) version, but from the website I ended up at and downloaded a gcc-based preview version.

After unzipping and launching, I noticed that encryption was "working" (ipwizard later mentioned it is also hazardous to cats and dogs) and the invstments are showing in the networth report (more on this bug below).

I was about to celebrate until I noticed that the Holiday calendars are missing. Used Google foo with no luck, which why I came here.

Now, I posted about the issue, and while your feedback was coming and we were conversing, I decided to try something, reasoning that maybe some files are missing from the gcc-based version, and made a copy of the original Kmmy folder (duplcaited), which I have been using since 2021 (kmymoney-5.1-895-windows-msvc2019_64-cl) then copied the gcc-based on top. Lanched the .exe and went to check on the calendar, and still no success. What I did not verify again was the Networth report missing stocks.

Back here, ipwizard also recommended the builds on KDE Infrastructure, so I tried again with a copy from Jenkins and discovered no Encryption, and calendar working, but can't recall if I explicity looked at the Networth report to validate it is showing correctly, but I will assume I did not (see below on why I'm mentioning this).

So far, I was working on the assumptions that gcc-based preview version and Jekins versions were showing the expected Networth report with the stocks, however as I prepared to send a bug report I noticed to my suprise that the Networth report is missing stocks.

What is this bug on the Networth report anyway you ask?
How to reproduce: take Networth report from previous year, showing networth by year, by accounts, including brokerage, savings and stocks, duplicate it and range filter it for a different time period, or to be specific the future (I did not check the past) and the stocks disappear. Bank accounts and brokerage remain. And yes the stocks were not disposed of, so the expectation is they should still be there.

Now I was not going to send a bug report about something I thought I understood, but now I dont. I could not figure out why, until I remembered that I copied gcc-based preview on 2021 build (kmymoney-5.1-895-windows-msvc2019_64-cl), so I deleted the folder, unpacked the gcc-based preview again, launched the .exe and, after a cloud of smoke, the Networth report was still not showing the stocks on the new report duplicated from a previous report. Bug is persistent, but how? Registry keys? Don't know.

Not deterred, I lunched a VM, unpacked the gcc-based preview in the VM, launched the .exe and opened the same .kmy, duplicated the networth report and no suprise, I can see the stocks, as expected.

At this point, the missing holiday calendar is less interesting, and I'm very intruiged by this behaviour. If I can provide anything more to track down this Networth report bug please let me know.
Registered Member

Re: 5.1.2 Holiday Calendar

Wed Oct 12, 2022 5:14 pm
Using Kontact 5.7.3, neither calendar (KOrganizer or Kontact) shows holidays. How do I turn on standard calendar 2023 US holidays?


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