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deposit and withdraw in the same transaction?

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How can I register deposit and withdrawal/payment in the same transaction? I need this because, for example, my bank exchanged from EUR to RON, from RON, the commission was deducted and the balance was registered after the application of the commission.

EXCHANGE 200 EUR Exchanged to RON 1 € = 4,8722 RON
FEE 4,87 RON
BALANCE 1001,98 RON new balance

previous balance 32,4 RON

Versiunea 5.1.3-5b03a2216

Thanks! 8-)
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Simply having income and expense in one transaction is not a problem, we call it a split transaction. The difficulty is with the use of multiple currencies. I don't know if I'm missing something, but I have not found a way for one transaction to use more than one currency - that is all splits in one transaction must be entered using the same currency, which is the currency for the account in which you are entering or editing the transaction. The currency exchange rate pop-up is shown when any split involves a transfer to or from an account using a different currency.
That said, I have found a way to do what you want, but I consider it ugly, and really hope someone can find something I've missed to do it more easily.

I am assuming that your base currency is RON. For what I propose, you need to create a new account in EUR. The EUR account is only used when you want to transfer Euros in or out of your RON account.

Start by making a 200EUR deposit in the EUR account. Then go to the RON account and make a new transaction, with two splits. The first is a transfer of 974.45RON from the EUR account. When you confirm that split, you will get the currency conversion pop-up where you confirm the conversion rate being used. The second split is just for the 4.87RON fee. This will leave the total of the transaction as 969.58RON.

This should leave the balance of the EUR account at 0, and the RON account as you expect (in this case 1001.98.) One difficulty is that your RON account will show the money as coming from the EUR account, and you will have to look at the EUR account to see who the actual Payee was that gave you the 200EUR.
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I don't fully understand the use case here and have a couple of questions: a) in which currency is the bank account denominated (RON or EUR). b) where do those initial 200 EUR come from (another of your accounts, a cash or check deposit or a transfer from a person paying in EUR)? Depending on your answers there might be a simple solution.

ipwizard, proud to be a member of the KMyMoney forum since its beginning. :-D
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