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problem Payees List

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problem Payees List

Thu Sep 22, 2022 7:51 pm
I have the following problem
I have two accounts registered in KMyMoney A and B (both in EUR). In Payees List for A account I assign Payer X for all tranzaction and for B account Payee Y for all tranzaction. I registered several transfers from account A to account B. In the Ledger, the transactions appear correctly on both accounts. In account A it appears as Payment and in account B it appears as Deposit. I have checked all transfers and they are set correctly (Pay to / From). The problem occurs in Payees List, at Payer X tranzaction appears as Deposit and at Payee Y as a Payment.

Versiunea 5.1.3-5b03a2216

Thanks! 8-)
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Re: problem Payees List

Thu Sep 22, 2022 8:23 pm
I think you are mixing up a number of separate issues. I don't think your problem has anything to do with the transfer transactions, as those should mention the two Accounts A and B, but should not mention any Payee at all. For a sample transaction in Account A, is the money being paid FROM Payee X or being paid TO Payee X? That is what should determine whether the transaction shows as a deposit or payment when looking at Payee X in the Payees View. Also check for the transactions in Account B - are they showing the money TO or FROM Payee Y?
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Re: problem Payees List

Thu Sep 22, 2022 9:13 pm
The transaction is a transfer from X to Y from A to B. In the accounts an Ledger the transaction appears correctly. A is Payer and B is Payee. Behind each account is a oner. X for A account and Y for B account. for this reason it seemed logical to me to assign Payer and Payee, especially because all the transactions appeared in Payees List and if I didn't group them under one Payees it would have been a mess. KMyMoney automatically took the information from description of the transaction and added them in Payees List as Payees. You suggest to delete these automatically added transactions from Payees List and not to assign any Payer and Payee for the transfer transactions?
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Re: problem Payees List

Fri Sep 23, 2022 1:00 am
From what I understand, I am not sure it is possible to do what you want, but first I want to be sure you understand some things about how KMyMoney works.

Note that Payee and Payor are the same thing in KMyMoney. The only difference is which way the money goes. You get money from a Payor and give money to a Payee. Also, a transaction can have only one Payee, and that is actually optional. There is no way (that I know of) for one transaction to refer to two Payees.

A typical transaction has two "splits" where a split shows funds moving into or out of an Account. Each split references exactly one Account. In KMyMoney, behind the scenes, Categories are handled as a special type of Account. In a typical transaction, one split shows funds moving to or from an Account (such as a Savings Account) and the other split shows the same amount of funds moving from or to a Category. Adding a Payee to a transaction is just an extra bit of information so you can track who the funds came from or went to. A transfer transaction references two real Accounts instead of an Account and a Category, but it still can have only one Payee. I never use a Payee on a transfer transaction, but I know there are users who do that.

So, my best understanding is that you have two Accounts, where a different person associated with each account. If one gives money to the other, it is recorded as a transfer. In this case, there is really no reason to have a Payee on such transactions, because you know which person controls which account.

You say "In the accounts an Ledger the transaction appears correctly. A is Payer and B is Payee." but this does not make sense, since one transaction cannot have both a Payor and a Payee. Screenshots might help, but I don't know of any way to attach them to this forum.

Is it possible for you to create a kmy file with only the two accounts, the two Payees, and two or three transactions, with no personal data? If so, we can provide an email address for you to share it with one of the developers, and that may help us better understand what you are seeing and why it is not what you expect.
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Re: problem Payees List

Fri Sep 23, 2022 2:39 am
"So, my best understanding is that you have two Accounts, where a different person associated with each account. If one gives money to the other, it is recorded as a transfer." - yes, you got it right. In my second post I made a mistake "In the accounts an Ledger the transaction appears correctly. A is Payer and B is Payee." but in the first one I wrote correctly "In the Ledger, the transactions appear correctly on both accounts. In account A it appears as Payment and in account B it appears as Deposit."

I understand the logic behind it "If one gives money to the other, it is recorded as a transfer. In this case, there is really no reason to have a Payee on such transactions, because you know which person controls which account." but let's take the following example: two person who each have two accounts at different banks and and both of them name their accounts EUR 1 and EUR 2. it would be nice to have extra information.
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Re: problem Payees List

Fri Sep 23, 2022 3:06 am
If you want a single KMyMoney data file to include four accounts - two at each of two banks, and two people each controlling one account at each bank, you need four accounts with distinct names, and each name should somehow refer to both the bank and the person. There cannot be two accounts "EUR 1". If KMyMoney does allow two accounts with the same name, I consider it a bug, and would strongly advise against doing so - because it leads to the problem you have discovered.

As a separate issue, I still do not understand how you think a single transaction can show two different Payees, even depending on which account you are viewing in the ledger.
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Re: problem Payees List

Fri Sep 23, 2022 8:26 am
I have to update/correct some statements here:
ostroffjh wrote:A transfer transaction references two real Accounts instead of an Account and a Category, but it still can have only one Payee.

The payee is kept with the split and therefore, the transaction itself does not "have" a payee. The one shown in the ledger (form below the ledger) is the one associated with the split referencing the selected account. This is by design and if you search on you will find the request for it somewhere. I kind of remember that it was requested exactly for the purpose of transfers. In the current development version you are able to even modify the payee in the split editor. Newly entered transaction may have the same payee on both splits initially, because only one is known.
ostroffjh wrote:There cannot be two accounts "EUR 1". If KMyMoney does allow two accounts with the same name, I consider it a bug, and would strongly advise against doing so - because it leads to the problem you have discovered.

The name of an account does not matter to KMyMoney. You can have as many with the same name as you want. It's not a bug but by design. And yes, we strongly advise against it unless you know exactly what you are doing. There are use cases, where you need the same name but used with different account types (asset vs. liability, income vs. expense). In the case here, I agree that amending the account name with the payee is a solution if you want the same account name (at least the base of it).

Regarding the usage of KMyMoney: it is meant to be a Personal Finance Manager. If you want to differentiate between two different persons/entities, the views may not be the best way to get to the results you expect. Users have reported, that the reporting feature helped them to do so. Multi-tenancy is not something we want to look into.

ipwizard, proud to be a member of the KMyMoney forum since its beginning. :-D
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