Registered Member
I have a main savings account that is creditted each month with say £500 and used to pay for annual bills when they fall due.
Say £500 per month is creditted to this main savings account. However, this £500 per month is 'split' into various 'sub accounts' for each of those annual bills. e.g. sub account 1 £100, sub account 2 £100 etc So how do i setup my main savings account within KMyMoney that supports the above and provides an ongoing balance of the overall main savings account and each 'sub account'? I thank you for your time and consideration. |
KDE Developer
You could setup a hierarchy of accounts. In that case, the funds will be tracked in the sub-accounts. The accounts view will either show the distributed balances (when the parent savings account is expanded and all sub-accounts visible) or the total for the parent account in case it is collapsed. Also using reporting may be of help here.
Hope that helps you to get going.
ipwizard, proud to be a member of the KMyMoney forum since its beginning.
openSuSE Leap 15.4 64bit, KF5 |
Registered Member
I have a follow up question: When the parent account is collapsed where would it be showing up collapsed? Example: I have a checking account, within that account I have several buckets funds allocated for future expense but all are housed in the Parent Account. If I create a sub account and fund it, the parent balance is not modified. When looking at "Your Financial Summary" home page it shows the parent along with the sub account. Two separate balances. So where would the collapsed account view be shown? Example Bills Checking: Balance $500 (Total Balance $4,700) --> House Repairs Bal $200 --> New Car Bal $4,000 Thank for any guidance. Nathan |
KDE Developer
This functionality will be available in the accounts view.
ipwizard, proud to be a member of the KMyMoney forum since its beginning.
openSuSE Leap 15.4 64bit, KF5 |
Registered Member
Thank you for the information. I did not have the other tabs listed (enabled) in the example that you have shown. It was very helpful, normally I just used my home page and things worked off of that section.
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