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Loan shedule vs actual issue

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Re: Loan shedule vs actual issue

Sun Jan 29, 2023 7:27 am
tcpsorcerer wrote:
Can you enter the schedule manually and then do the OFX import for the next iteration? The match should still happen, but I am wondering if the numbers will remain correct in the ledger.
Did this and the issue appears to persist.

So just to get that straight: you entered the schedule manually and the amounts in the splits were correct (identical to bank statement). Then you imported the transaction and the amounts in the splits changed. Can you confirm that?

ipwizard, proud to be a member of the KMyMoney forum since its beginning. :-D
openSuSE Leap 15.4 64bit, KF5
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Re: Loan shedule vs actual issue

Sat Feb 04, 2023 1:01 am
ipwizard wrote:
tcpsorcerer wrote:
Can you enter the schedule manually and then do the OFX import for the next iteration? The match should still happen, but I am wondering if the numbers will remain correct in the ledger.
Did this and the issue appears to persist.

So just to get that straight: you entered the schedule manually and the amounts in the splits were correct (identical to bank statement). Then you imported the transaction and the amounts in the splits changed. Can you confirm that?

To be clear, here are the steps I followed:

Open file
Goto schedule, select the loan in question, enter transaction manually 3 times
Result: loan amounts in the splits are what is expected for all 3 weekly loan payment transactions
Close file without saving

Open file again
Import OFX with 3 weeks of transactions = 3 loan payments
Result: loan amounts in splits not correct - first split allocates 13 cents more to the principal, second split allocates 26 cents more to the principal, and 3rd split allocates 39 cents more to the principal
Close file without saving
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Re: Loan shedule vs actual issue

Sat Feb 04, 2023 9:51 am
Thank you for the detailed description of the steps you performed. I must have not provided enough details what I wanted you to check. Here we go again. Please try this (instructions in bold, results in italic):

Open file
Goto schedule, select the loan in question, enter transaction manually 3 times

Result: loan amounts in the splits are what is expected for all 3 weekly loan payment transactions
Import OFX with 3 weeks of transactions = 3 loan payments
Result: ? (the imported transactions should match the already existing transactions and the distribution between principal and interest should not change)
Close file without saving

ipwizard, proud to be a member of the KMyMoney forum since its beginning. :-D
openSuSE Leap 15.4 64bit, KF5
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Re: Loan shedule vs actual issue

Sat Feb 04, 2023 7:04 pm
Aha, yes of course.

Just tried this process and the OFX import matches the 3 manually entered, from the schedule, transaction - transaction splits remain intact. The manually entered transactions prior to the OFX import are also correct and as expected.

So your testing method validates that after entering the transaction manually from the schedule, then doing the OFX import, which then matches the transactions, it does not invalidate the correct loan amount splits as calculated by the schedule.

Edited for clarity.


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