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disappearing Tags

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disappearing Tags

Tue Jan 24, 2023 7:27 pm
(I received this as a personal email, but am posting here (with a response to follow) so it is available in case anyone else has the same problem, and so any solution can be found by searching in the future.

Bonjour ,

je poste en français ma langue naturelle , mais je traduis en anglais ci- dessous .

En saisissant mes comptes dans la dernière version de KMYMONEY V 5.2.1-b063f6349 je constate que le module ÉTIQUETTES a été modernisé.

C'est très bien, la gestion est améliorée, mais du coup, toutes mes étiquettes ont disparu  : la liste est vide.

Y a-t-il un moyen de les récupérer ?


By entering my accounts in the latest version of KMYMONEY V 5.2.1-b063f6349 I see that the LABELS module has been modernized.

It's very good, the management is improved, but all of a sudden, all my labels have disappeared: the list is empty.

Is there a way to get them back?

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Re: disappearing Tags

Tue Jan 24, 2023 7:28 pm
My response to the sender was:

In the future, please do not make requests like this through personal messages. See for various ways to request help. I will probably post your request and a further response to the forum later today. It is always best to use a public forum or mailing list, so solutions to problem can be found on future searches.

First, please confirm your version. There is no 5.2.1. Hopefully, that is just a typo for 5.1.2. If so, you might try upgrading, since 5.1.3 has been released. b063f6349 is about six months old. However, I do not recall any changes in this area of the program.

All the TAGS (I think that is the English word for what you mean) are stored in the kmy file along with the rest of your data, so if they have disappeared, I would make sure that all the rest of your data still seems present. Check your backups for the latest version which still has the tags - hopefully it isn't too old, so you won't have to re-enter too much data.

I also included a link to this topic for further discussion.
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Re: disappearing Tags

Fri Feb 03, 2023 11:46 am
Thank you for your reply
1-indeed my version of kmymoney is 5.1.2
2- I recovered my list of "Tags" labels (in french Etiquettes) from a previous 'backup', but I had to enter a lot of datas lines.
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Re: disappearing Tags

Sat Feb 04, 2023 8:48 pm
Yes, simply recovering the list of Tags is not sufficient without recovering the information about which transactions were marked with each tag.
I would love to discover how they disappeared, but that seems unlikely at this point.
I am curious that you found it easier to manually re-add the Tags and edit all the transactions that use them, instead of using the backup data file and just re-adding the transactions since then.


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