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Scheduled transactions no longer auto enter into ledger

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A couple months ago my scheduled transactions no longer automatically get entered into the ledger. They are still checked in the scheduled transaction itself. Some of them appear in the ledger but are grayed out, so you have to right click on it and select enter next translation for them to truly be entered in the ledger.

Came here last week to post this and noticed there was a slightly newer release available, so I did upgrade versions to the latest stable release.

Interestingly I have my data file stored not on the C:\ drive, but there is a file in the default directory from some various previous installs. The upgraded version selected that file by default and did want to enter all of the scheduled transactions that had occurred since it was last accessed.

However since opening my current data file, it has reverted back to the behavior above.

any ideas on how to get them to auto enter again?

One thing I have not tried is deleting one of them and recreating it from scratch to see if it works. I will try that now, anyone have any other ideas? Even if that works I would prefer not to recreate all of my scheduled transactions.

Thank you in advance! :)
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KDE Developer
Deleting and recreating should not make a difference. There are a couple of options that control the behavior. The first is with the schedule itself, but I doubt that this is the cause since the auto-enter does not work on any schedule for you. Next is a global option in the settings. Is that turned on? It can be found on the settings page for schedules called Check schedules on startup. Is it turned on?

ipwizard, proud to be a member of the KMyMoney forum since its beginning. :-D
openSuSE Leap 15.4 64bit, KF5
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ipwizard wrote:Deleting and recreating should not make a difference. There are a couple of options that control the behavior. The first is with the schedule itself, but I doubt that this is the cause since the auto-enter does not work on any schedule for you. Next is a global option in the settings. Is that turned on? It can be found on the settings page for schedules called Check schedules on startup. Is it turned on?

Thank you!

Global setting was unchecked! Not sure how it got unchecked, but unchecked it was. Thank you so much, I would have never guessed there was a global setting, as I don't go into the setting very often. But now I think I may want to poke around in there to become a little more familiar with it.
Registered Member
And a thank you from me too. I just googled this problem and hit this thread. My global setting was also unchecked. Sorted.


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