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Add Account date oddity

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Add Account date oddity

Wed Feb 08, 2023 5:29 pm
Not a biggie but now whenever I add a new account the date defaults to 1st Jan 2023.
I expected it to default to either the last used date or to the current date. I'm sure it did that when I first started adding accounts.
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Re: Add Account date oddity

Wed Feb 08, 2023 5:32 pm
I don't remember when or why it changed, but it's been the first day of the current year for a while now.
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Re: Add Account date oddity

Wed Feb 08, 2023 7:26 pm
It used to be the current date, but when we started preventing to enter transactions prior to the opening date we selected to move that to the first of the year. You can change that to today with simply pressing T when editing the date. At least on master. Not sure about the stable branch versions. But there is a similar hotkey to do that, I just can't remember which one it was/is :)

ipwizard, proud to be a member of the KMyMoney forum since its beginning. :-D
openSuSE Leap 15.4 64bit, KF5
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Re: Add Account date oddity

Fri Feb 10, 2023 8:51 am
ipwizard wrote:It used to be the current date, but when we started preventing to enter transactions prior to the opening date we selected to move that to the first of the year. You can change that to today with simply pressing T when editing the date. At least on master. Not sure about the stable branch versions. But there is a similar hotkey to do that, I just can't remember which one it was/is :)

Thanks for that reply. I have to say it is a strange solution to solve the problem you describe. Surely it would be better trap the case where someone is entering transactions with an earlier date and do one of these:
1. Offer to adjust the start date to match the transaction
2. Warn them but allow the transaction anyway. The opening date for most accounts doesn't really matter
3. Reject the transaction until the user has corrected the start date (not ideal this one).

Having said all that, this is not a biggie, it's not ruining my life and the T shortcut does work in the current stable release.

Is there a list of shortcuts/hotkeys somewhere? The T shortcut is not listed in the "Settings -> Configure Keyboard Shortcuts" menu and I could not find it in the manual. It makes me wonder if I am missing out on other shortcuts.
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Re: Add Account date oddity

Sat Feb 11, 2023 12:57 am
The "T" shortcut is specific to the date entry widget, and is not a general keyboard shortcut. That is why it doesn't appear in the list of them. It actually is mentioned in the handbook, in the section on widgets ( ... dgets.html) although I realize that is clearly not the most intuitive place users would look. If you can suggest a place to put a link to that section, let me know, and I'll add it. That section is the same for stable and master versions, and the T shortcut does work in both (I just tested.) Interestingly, it works if the cursor entry is within one of the date fields, but it does not work if you have pressed the down arrow and the pop-up calendar is displayed for picking a date by clicking on it.
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Re: Add Account date oddity

Sat Feb 11, 2023 6:10 am
Thanks, like most lazy-ass users I've barely opened the manual. After the T shortcut was mentioned I looked through the contents section then searched for "shortcut" and "hotkey" then looked through the settings menu. I didn't think to look specifically at the date entry thing and I didn't know it was called a widget. So perhaps just mention the word "shortcut" in the date entry section. I guess if you wanted to go to town you could expand the "Useful Tips" section to include little tips like the T key. I'm sure there are a whole host of other similar things that could be listed there. Mind you, I probably wouldn't have read that section! The only section of the manual I have really needed so far is the Investments one, particularly how to work with stocks and shares and price updates. Apart from that everything has been pretty intuitive, so that gets a big thumbs up.

But that's all after the event. When I noticed the date defaulting to the start of the year I didn't think "Hey, maybe there is a key shortcut", I just thought "That's odd - perhaps it's a bug."

But as I said it's not a showstopper. It was a slight inconvenience because as a new user I'm entering lots of accounts at present, not just the real ones but a whole host of test accounts so I can play with the software and learn how the different account types work and interact. Once I'm happy that the accounts are setup then adding a new account will be a rare event (and I'll probably have forgotten the shortcut)

This is the third open source money manager program I've tried recently and it's by far the best suited to my needs so a big thank you to the team of people behind it.


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