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Noobie QuestionL Cannot transfer between two accounts

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I am new to KMyMoney and I am having some problems with paying my credit card from my chequing account. Rather than explain the problems that I encountered can someone please point out the correct steps?
My chequing account is listed under Liabilty. It was suggested that way in the template.
Now I think it should be an asset because I only ever use it to pay off my credit card accounts.
I tried to edit it and change the hierarchy to 'asset' but it won't allow me.
I then tried to delete the account but the 'delete' option is grayed out.
I am clueless!
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We might need some additional information, but for starters - a checking account is always an asset not a liability, because the money in it is yours, not something you owe. The credit card account should be a liability account. I know there are restrictions on changing the type of an account, but the way around that is to create a new account of the proper type, and then go to the old account, select all transactions and move them (it's in the context menu you get with a right click) into the new account.
However, that should be a separate issue from not being able to create a transfer account. How are you trying to do that? When editing the new transaction, the other account should be selected in the field where you would usually select a Category.
Let us know if this helps any, or if we need to get more information about what you are actually trying, to figure out why it is not working as you would expect.


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