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Tabs in ledger view!! Yippee!

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Tabs in ledger view!! Yippee!

Thu Mar 09, 2023 6:35 pm
I d'loaded a recent image (version 5.1.80-53fbb8753) and I was surprised to see tabs in my ledger. It made it SO much easier to move back and forth between the 2 or 3 accounts that I was interested in. Is that a new feature? I don't see it in version 5.1.3-213246ef6.

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Re: Tabs in ledger view!! Yippee!

Thu Mar 09, 2023 7:00 pm
I don't know if you intended to, but that version is from master branch, which has an entirely new ledger implementation, which has had tabs for quite a while. Tabs will not be backported to any 5.1 version.
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Re: Tabs in ledger view!! Yippee!

Thu Mar 09, 2023 8:31 pm
It was a Master branch version I stumbled across. Thanks for the clarification. I will stumble over there again!
I am learning a bit more about the git branches from here: ... h#25575618

but that raises the questions (1) can I run a (stable) master branch that has tabbed ledgers. Versions 420 and 419 both give spurious results in that the ledger entries become simply a list of security names - nothing else - at a point back in time and other errors OR (2) why not introduce tabbed ledgers in the 5.1 hoi polloi versions?
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Re: Tabs in ledger view!! Yippee!

Fri Mar 10, 2023 7:59 am
atheist wrote:It was a Master branch version I stumbled across. Thanks for the clarification. I will stumble over there again!
I am learning a bit more about the git branches from here: ... h#25575618

If you take a look at A successful Git branching model you'll find one of the generally used git branching models (first graphical representation on that page). We use a simplified version of it with the following modifications:

  1. our development happens on master (shown as development in yellow in the diagram)
  2. our (current) stable version is on branch 5.1 (shown as release branch in green in the diagram)
  3. our features (merge requests) are on their own feature branches (shown as feature branch in pink in the diagram)
  4. we don't have equivalents to the cyan and red dots in our model.
atheist wrote:but that raises the questions (1) can I run a (stable) master branch that has tabbed ledgers. Versions 420 and 419 both give spurious results in that the ledger entries become simply a list of security names - nothing else - at a point back in time and other errors OR (2) why not introduce tabbed ledgers in the 5.1 hoi polloi versions?

With the above list (a through d) in mind there is no such thing as a stable master branch. Also "version 420 and 419" is missing important information. The numbers refer to (consecutive) builds but they don't mention the branch the source was taken from. I could find out but if both builds have the same number at the same time the number alone is ambiguous.

To summarize: using the builds from the master branch is not recommended on production data. It has bugs (known and unknown), will eat your cat and dog and do with your data whatever it wants without warning :) You can use it for testing and anomaly reporting but you should not save your data and go back to the stable 5.1 version (even though that seems supported and working at first sight).

And to answer "why not introduce tabbed ledgers in the 5.1": you would also not take the engine of a Ford Mustang and try to put it into a Model T, right? :D Seriously, the effort is not worth it. The way to go is to cut the the next stable branch from master at some point in time.

ipwizard, proud to be a member of the KMyMoney forum since its beginning. :-D
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Re: Tabs in ledger view!! Yippee!

Fri Mar 10, 2023 6:49 pm
So that explains what happened to the dog! :-)
As usual, thanks, guys.


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