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Online Brokerage Account Information

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This question came across the developer mailing and I thought it would be a good idea to share it here. The original question came from Joel Webb, with answers from Brendan Coupe and Thomas Baumgart:

As you may or may not realize, when you go through the new account wizard for an investment account, if you answer "yes" to the brokerage account question, KMyMoney will setup TWO accounts, as shown in Joel's question below.

Greetings Guys,

I know that I probably screwed this up. But I am wondering which Investment account do I point the OFX import to go to?

Joels Investment Account
Joels Investment Account (Brokerage)

My numbers do not match up at the current time. If only one should receive the OFX import, is there away to turn the other one off to not confuse the end user that tries to do it like me?

Setting the accounts up originally, I could only choose one account. And since then, I think I imported the transaction into the wrong account.

From Brendan:
I screwed this up the first time. It made more sense to me to connect the transactions to the brokerage account but what do I know:)

You map your bank to the Investment account not the brokerage account. Once you do this the transactions are entered properly in both accounts. I swear it's magic.

It would probably help new users if there was a warning message when you try to map a brokerage account to your bank. Maybe it makes sense to eliminate the option to map a brokerage account to your bank. Of course it may be in the manual somewhere but that didn't help me at all.

So, according to this, you will want to set up the investment account of the two for the downloading of transactions. If you set this up wrong originally, you can umap the account and remap it correctly.

But what if you said "no" to the brokerage account and you don't have the corresponding brokerage account for your investment account? Thomas answers to create a new checking account and for the name:
Just use the same name and append " (Brokerage)" including the space but excluding the quotes.
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KDE Developer
troycarpenter wrote:But what if you said "no" to the brokerage account and you don't have the corresponding brokerage account for your investment account? Thomas answers to create a new checking account and for the name:
Just use the same name and append " (Brokerage)" including the space but excluding the quotes.

International users using a translation please make sure to use the translated version of the string. E.g. German version is " (Verrechnungskonto)" and French is " (Courtage)".

ipwizard, proud to be a member of the KMyMoney forum since its beginning. :-D
openSuSE Leap 15.4 64bit, KF5


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