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Towards KMyBusiness ???

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Towards KMyBusiness ???

Sat Jan 24, 2009 7:22 pm
Hi all -Thanks for your grate work!

First time writing in KMyMoney forum, I have to say that, after more than 1 year of trying several open source projects for my Business book-keeping (from heavy java-based ERPs, until Gnucash, KMyMoney and Grisbi), I decided to choose KMyMoney to keep my Business accounting, despite my huge needs of tracking and automating several actions (note: I keep a restaurant with many complicated accounting forms).

The parameters/factors which I took in account to make my choice, were -in importance order- the followings:

1) The Budget-Forecast-Reports features/capabilities
Here is where (the 9.x+ versions of) KMymoney came first, comparing even with big ERP projects and GnuCash (which HAS NOT good forecast/budgeting system yet). Of course there are some improvements to do here, and I hope to help a little (reporting bugs and structuring proposals, -given that I miss a lot of coding skills and time!)

2) Simplicity & Usability
Having in mind that the program should be easily understandable by my partners (to use it even them) KMyMoney was also the best in this comparison (some php/web based with ajax simple-menu ERPs -such as FrontAccounting- were also good, but they lack at the #1 factor). Gnucash was finally abandoned because of its awful/unusable GUI (especially on its 'Business Features').

3) Data-Entry convenience & Automation capabilities
Having much data to entry every day (think that I want also to entry all my last year actions!) this factor was very important. I really miss GnuCash 'formulae & variable' system at scheduled transactions, but I noticed that this feature exists already at KMyMoney official road-map (even 'beyond version 1.0'). Unfortunately I did't find none program with good 'Transaction's Template' system (something like scheduled transactions with formulae but with no predefined values and date of entry) -You prepare it and you use it when you need it (even twice in a week or once in month or whenever -i.e when you receive some goods by invoice from your supplier)! I will post soon such a proposal for this at KMymoney Feature Request. (note: duplicating an already registered split transaction is quite similar but not the same in meaning of data-entry demands). Also, there are some minor improvements at the current KMyMoney version that would avoid some annoying situations. (I 'll send proposals soon, also!)

4) Consistency & Stability (of course!)
Although 9.x versions of KmyMoney are -by convention- 'beta' versions, the program it is really stable enough! (note: I managed to crash it two times, canceling 'new category declaration wizard' from inside a split transaction entry -if I remember good. I 'll try to reproduce it and send a bug report). Some minors consistency bugs exist (especially at report/forecast/schedule systems -but I know that Alvaro and other guys work on them. However, the most important is the vitality and the quality of the program (and of its developers!). I hope I 'll be able to help at this project too!

5) VAT support & Invoices
'Auto VAT assignment' in current KMyMoney works only for simple transactions and has no effect at more complex split transactions (which are my every day case :-( ). Moreover, the need of existence also some Asset accounts assigned to VAT categories has also been referred. I prepare a complete proposal on how that could be fixed, including the situation where two (or more) VAT/Tax categories apply to part of the split components! Regarding Invoices, I show somewhere a proposal about joining with 'Kraft' project. This seems good prospect!

6) Other Business features (AP/AR, stock management, orders, Payroll, etc.)
I miss some features with KMyMoney (-and I think that I am not alone!) about business functionality. Although some of them I can bypass with some tricks (i.e. scheduled transactions for the AP staff and some excel -eh! sorry, calc I mean :-) !- sheets for payroll) I think that the already existed (and more complex!) 'Stock/Shares' infrastructure would be not so difficult to be modificated to support a 'stock/warehouse' system also. Hmmm.... I know, there is a lot of work with dialogs/forms to be transformed...And also Payees system -which should be categorized to Customers and Supplier etc.- sucks (particularly at transfer transactions) . Anyway ...

7) Web/Database based & multi-user capabilities
Last, but not totally least, was the parameter of the platform Independence and long distance accessibility -such as a web based program can offer. I understand that it's difficult to reproduce similar GUI in a web implementation, but the fore-coming database (SQL) support of KMyMoney engine, gives some promises for a future capability of long distance data-entry -and, maybe, a multi-user support.

So, after the above analysis, I return to the Main Question:

Does/Should KMyMoney -development group and users- intent to 'expand' and cover more Business-oriented features??

The CONS of an affirmative answer is -of course- 'KISS'. ('Keep It Simple Stupid').
The PROS is that -as I argued before- KMyMoney is already semi-Business capable and incorporates some characteristics that many "Small-Business Accounting Programs" envy! It's a pity to exclude a huge part of potentially users (and developers, too!) from such a good product!

- Are there out there relevant speculations?
- Could there be a dual GUI (a)simple/home & b)professional/Business one) defined at 'Preferences' of the program to support both targets?
- Are there thoughts to join with other relative KDE projects like 'Kraft' or 'First4' ?
- Or, either, should be created a fork of KMyMoney (KMyBusiness?)?

-Your thoughts ?

Again a big thank to all the guys behind this project!
Christos Sioulis

Last edited by CSioulis on Sun Jan 25, 2009 12:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Hei Ku
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RE: Towards KMyBusiness ???

Sun Jan 25, 2009 12:43 am
There have been some talks about integrating with Kraft. Thomas (ipwizard) can give you more details since he knows the Kraft developer.

Hei Ku, proud to be a member of the KMyMoney Development Team since January-2008
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RE: Towards KMyBusiness ???

Mon Jan 26, 2009 2:05 am
Thanks Hei Ku for the quick response.
But the main questions is of course about the future plans about KMyMoney direction/roadmap.
-Shall it remain stuck in the initial goal (the pest Personal Finance Manager), or there is the intention/demand to expand it to cover more Business features?

Last edited by CSioulis on Mon Jan 26, 2009 2:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Hei Ku
Registered Member

RE: Towards KMyBusiness ???

Mon Jan 26, 2009 2:22 am
I am not the leader of the project, but if I had to guess, I would say that we will remain true to the original goal, while making it easy to integrate with business applications, that provide business features in a better way than it will ever be possible for us.

Hei Ku, proud to be a member of the KMyMoney Development Team since January-2008


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