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Loan repayments in budgets

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Loan repayments in budgets

Sat Jan 24, 2009 8:47 pm
First of all thanks for this great application, just what I was looking for.

Before creating my kmymoney account I had a couple loans which I am currently handling with expense categories and the monthly payments are included in my budget through the expense categories.

I would like to setup the loans properly in kmymoney to track the debit as liability accounts, but I cannot figure out how I would then include the monthly payments in my budget, from what I can work out I would only be able to include the loan interest in my budget?
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Hei Ku
Registered Member

RE: Loan repayments in budgets

Sun Jan 25, 2009 12:40 am
At the moment, you can only include income and expense categories in a budget. So, any payment to the principal would not be in the budget.
It has been requested and we have had several talks about doing it, but our hands are full now.

Hei Ku, proud to be a member of the KMyMoney Development Team since January-2008


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