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Entering Investment Transaction under Ledgers & defaulting to first account only

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I'm trying out KMyMoney 0.9.3 for the first time. I'm stumped on something.

I've created two institutions, Bank1 and Invest1. I've created two accounts under Assets, Bank1 Savings and Invest1 RRSP. Bank1 Savings appears under the Bank1 institution and Invest1 RRSP appears under the Invest1 institution.

I've added an Investment stock under the Invest1 RRSP account.

Under Ledgers, I've selected the Invest1 RRSP account and am adding a new transaction, a stock purchase. I can select the security just fine but for account the only one in the pop up list under assets is Bank1. Invest1 RRSP does not appear in the pop up list.

I initially found that I had created the Invest1 RRSP account under the Bank1 account. I removed everything and recreated the accounts properly so Invest1 RRSP isn't under Bank1 but the Invest1 RRSP account still isn't available in the pop up list when adding a new transaction.

Any ideas? Is this a bug? Am I doing something wrong?
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Hei Ku
Registered Member
To enter transactions involving an investment account, you have to enter it from the investment account itself.

Hei Ku, proud to be a member of the KMyMoney Development Team since January-2008
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KDE Developer
lister wrote:I'm trying out KMyMoney 0.9.3 for the first time. I'm stumped on something.

I've created two institutions, Bank1 and Invest1. I've created two accounts under Assets, Bank1 Savings and Invest1 RRSP. Bank1 Savings appears under the Bank1 institution and Invest1 RRSP appears under the Invest1 institution.

I've added an Investment stock under the Invest1 RRSP account.

Under Ledgers, I've selected the Invest1 RRSP account and am adding a new transaction, a stock purchase. I can select the security just fine but for account the only one in the pop up list under assets is Bank1. Invest1 RRSP does not appear in the pop up list.

Any ideas? Is this a bug? Am I doing something wrong?

It's not a bug, it's a feature. The current version of KMyMoney cannot cope with direct transactions to/from the investment account. Hence we don't allow you to enter them. For this, you need to setup a so called brokerage account. You can create one automatically when creating the investment account, or - in case you haven't done so - create a checking account and give it the same name as the investment account and append " (Brokerage)" - without the quotes but the leading blank - to that name account. That should allow you to select the brokerage account and tie it to your investment account.

Future versions (post 1.0) will probably be allowed to feed transactions directly through the investment account without the need of a brokerage account.

ipwizard, proud to be a member of the KMyMoney forum since its beginning. :-D
openSuSE Leap 15.4 64bit, KF5
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Okay, I'll set up my accounts that way. Thanks.

ipwizard wrote:Future versions (post 1.0) will probably be allowed to feed transactions directly through the investment account without the need of a brokerage account.

When that goes into play, how easy will it be to take all the transactions in the brokerage accounts and move them into the investment accounts?
Registered Member
lister wrote:Okay, I'll set up my accounts that way. Thanks.

ipwizard wrote:Future versions (post 1.0) will probably be allowed to feed transactions directly through the investment account without the need of a brokerage account.

When that goes into play, how easy will it be to take all the transactions in the brokerage accounts and move them into the investment accounts?

ipwizard is the lead developer, so I most certainly will not contradict him! However, I will say that I have a number of investment accounts, and in none of them have I needed to have a brokerage account.

I am able to receive income payments and have them transfer to a cheque account, or make entries for purchases or sales, or reinvestments. You make your purchases or sales via the Investment view, not the Ledger view. I think that's why you didn't see the investment account.

It depends on the data you intend to import, and how you previously dealt with the cash. If you had it transfer to or from a bank account, I don't think you'll need a brokerage account. However, if you retained a money balance in the account, then you will need a brokerage account.

I hope ipwizard concurs.


aga, proud to be a member of KDE forums since 2008-Nov.


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