Registered Member
Hi all
After importing a QIF file, the amounts are out by a factor of 100 ie. instead of my accounts being of the order of thousands they are now millions. I have checked the QIF with a file viewer and they appear to be correct. So how does one over come this problem perhaps with a QIF filter? I'd love to be a millionaire but am not! Thanks in anticipation for a resolution. Cheers Gerry |
KDE Developer
Does your file start with a line containing !type (case does not matter) ? Here's a sample
Alternatively, !account is another valid start. If none of them is present, KMyMoney cannot auto detect the decimal separator and thus all numbers come out to big by a factor of 100.
ipwizard, proud to be a member of the KMyMoney forum since its beginning.
openSuSE Leap 15.4 64bit, KF5 |
Registered Member
No, Puttin a !Account in Front does not change anything - exept that kmm doesn`t ask for the account to add the transactions:
!Account NDWS Aktivio X041793202 DCasius Finanz TInvst ^ !Type:Invst D12.13.10 NSell Y5936X M&W Privat I143,048726 Q5,5925 U800.00 T800.00 ^ Is imported with 55925 papers with a price of 0,0143€ (so the amount of money spend is correct). I guess that my german quicken exports dot and colon the german way an kmm imports it the american way - but only in I and Q fields. U and T use a dot to seperate the fractions... If I change the colons to dots in I and Q line it gets imported as it should. Is there a special qif importer for german users? yours fred |
Registered Member
You should be able to define a new QIF import profile, with input filter
sed -f comma2dot with comma2dot containing:
You have to use the sed file; you cannot just use sed '/^[IQ]/s/,/./' as a filter. And, you have to create a new filter (select New in the QIF Profile Editor and assign a name to it). As you pointed out, your Quicken export seems inconsistent, for it uses decimal points in the U and T lines and not in the I and Q lines. Strange. |
Registered Member
Thanx Zebulon! This is what I am looking for.
Since I need to do some other changes in the qif as well ... Quicken uses some german words in the securities section that need to be changed, too. (NKauf -> NBuy NVerkauf -> NSell). THis way I can put everything in a file that others can use,too. However - I did not get it to work (no time today), probably the comma2colon needs to be in a specific directory (other than the kmy or qif)? |
Registered Member
Yes, it took me half a dozen tries as well.. I put the sed file in my home directory, but that is also where my .kmy file is. I do know that
sed -f ~/comma2dot sed -f $HOME/comma2dot both do NOT work. I only got it to work with no pathname and with a full, explicit pathname. It seems that you know your way with sed. If not, just post what you want to do. |
Registered Member
are there any usefull informations for the settings of a new QIF import profile? I checked the handbook, but there were no usefull informations about the filters, and so on.....
Thanx |
Registered Member
Registered Member
No I don`t know sed, but I am optimistic to handle it ( gives a good introduction). However, here is what I know so far that needs to be done (thanks to the guys from gnucash). I´ll be lots slower than you are and if you give me an example for some of those I´ll be quicker with the rest. It may be better to integrate those into the code, but having a filter file for german quicken versions is a good way also, I think: NAktSplit -> NStkSplit. NAktzu -> NShrsIn NAktab -> NShrsOut K.gewsp -> NCGShort NK.gewspX -> NCGShortX NKapgew -> NCGLong NKapgewX -> NCGLongX NKauf -> NBuy NKaufX -> NBuyX NVerkauf -> Sell NVerkaufX -> SellX |
Registered Member
You just pile up all your substitutions:
Registered Member
Thanks, again - Zebulon. I didn`t get the importfilter to work, but I am starting sed in a terminal and I konvert my file before importing it.
The list of necessary exchanges is already longer and kmymoney gets closer and closer to an import of my data. I´ll be posting my findings or questions on the way. |
Registered Member
Here is as far as I got. Somehow changing the accounts into known types does not change the error Messages "unknow type of account". And while it has gotten lots closer to the desired result, I still have very strange effects in somme accounts. It would help, if kmm would not give the error but also the line number and the line, the error pops up.
Registered Member
Do you want the accounts to be created upon importing or did you create all accounts first? I'd definitely recommend the latter.
"Oth A" is an asset account and "Oth L" is a liability account. I would not translate those to "Bank". I would hope KMM knows about them as is. Do you have a dummy example (headers, 1-2 operations) that does not import? |
Registered Member
Hi Zebulon,
I did create all Accounts first - manually (and all securities, too. Kmm doesn`t create them, it simply complains. I do not have 1 or 2 liners - my file is quite big (10 Years). That ist why I want line numbers in the errormessages. I have the accounts seperated in smaller files, but that doesnt help a lot. I` Try without the ^T section again. So far it does not seem sucessfull at all. |
Registered Member
The ^T section makes a difference for the better. I have to see which parts, but kmm does not know about all the Oth accounts, that I have. Too late now, but I'll be back nxt weekend.
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