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Kubuntu 10.10, KDE 4.5.5, system fully up to date. Running KMyMoney 4.5.0.
There is a font (?) rendering problem with the number 4 only. This numeral, when in the first position to the left of the decimal, isn't fully rendered. It appears to only be an issue on the "Your Financial Summary" screen, and mostly in the "Assets and Liabilities Summary" section. And oddly, in this section, the degree of rendering isn't consistant - the degree to which the number 4 is rendered varies. Anybody know why this is happening?
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It may depend on your Font settings for KDE and Konqueror. Have you tried Anti-aliasing, and such settings?
Hei Ku, proud to be a member of the KMyMoney Development Team since January-2008
Registered Member
Enabled anti-aliasing and configured and enabled sub-pixel rendering as RGB with hinting style Medium. Saved the changes and launched KMyMoney. No change. The number 4 still renders incompletely. If it matters, the system settings font I'm using is Ubuntu, expect for fixed width, which is set to Monospace.
I've got KMyMoney running right now. The problem with the number 4 is: Very obvious when it appears in the Assest and Liabilities Summary section. Less pronounced when it appears in the Payments | Future Payments section. Not sure if it is affected in the Payment Accounts section as at the moment the 4 isn't represented. Not affected in the 90 Day Forecast section. Very obvious when it appears in the Cash Flow Sumary section.
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Check the Konqueror settings, as that page uses a KHTML component to display data.
Hei Ku, proud to be a member of the KMyMoney Development Team since January-2008
Registered Member
Can't do that - Konqueror is not installed (using rekonq).
Kubuntu Forums . Net - |
Registered Member
Well, KHTML is installed underneath, and those are the settings used to render the fonts.
Do as you please, but to check which font it is using, you have to check the KHTML settings. The easiest way to do that is by installing Konqueror.
Hei Ku, proud to be a member of the KMyMoney Development Team since January-2008
Registered Member
Well, I installed Konqueror to check out your proposition. Ubuntu was the font used, but I expected that, as that is the default System Font.
Changing System Font to the previously used (before the implementation of Ubuntu Font) DejaVu Sans. Made no difference. Switched the Desktop Theme back to the default Air. Made no difference. If, as you believe, it's a KHTML 'issue', has anyone else reported this oddity? If it's a KHTML issue, how does one go about fixing it? I find it very, very odd, that only a single font character would be affected.
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Registered Member
This is rediculous.
Nothing I do resolves this "number 4" rendering problem - nothing! I've unchecked Use System Fonts in KMyMoney and selected DejaVue Sans as the font to be used. Closed and relaunched KMyMoney. The problem persists. ONLY THE NUMBER 4 IS AFFECTED. The OS System Font being used is Ubuntu. But changing it as well also has no impact on this bizare problem. Is no one else, running Kubuntu Maverick Meerkat 10.10 with KDE 4.6.00 experiencing this? I can't believe I am the only one. There has to be an explanation, and so, a solution.
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In Konqueror, please try locating some HTML documents which have a similar set of letters, and see if you can reproduce. If you can, it is a fault of either the font or KHTML.
KDE Sysadmin
[img]content/bcooksley_sig.png[/img] |
Registered Member
It can't be the font, as I've changed that, and the problem persists. I'll half-heartedly accept that it's a KHTML problem, but how do I 'prove' it? I did, earlier, and at your suggestion, install Konquer, and the problem was still present, even after changing fonts.
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You need to file a bug with the KHTML developers, through a bug at
KDE Sysadmin
[img]content/bcooksley_sig.png[/img] |
Registered Member
Currently in my Kubuntu Natty Narwhal 11.04 running KDE 4.6.3. Installed KMyMoney this morning and copied the paul.kmy file from my Maverick install. Fired up KMyMoney, loaded this file, and all fonts are rendering properly. There is no issue with the number four. In both OS's, I'm using the Oxygen Desktop Theme. I've still gotten no answer/solution to the issue in Maverick, but at this point, I don't care.
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