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Installation on Windows Vista.

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Installation on Windows Vista.

Mon Jan 24, 2011 11:01 pm
I have Windows Vista, and after an attempt to move to ubuntu, I came to the conclusion that so far, i'drather stay a little more on Vista (too many habit that have yet no possible equivalent on Ubuntu, but it will come).

Neverthelss, I came across Kmymoney that I really like, and I move successfully all my MSMoney account to KMM.
I saw that KMM is possible on Windows, and I tried to install it.

But when I try to run it, I still face some issue :
- whenever I try to go to settings>Configure KMM, it crashes (KMyMoney stopped functionning).
- quite often, error message saying kioslave stopped
- on the account page, I only see assets and liabilities but no category for income and expenses like I saw on Linux version. Well, they are in the categorie page. (with the same issue on the column width.
- columns width is not easily set. They always start with a very small width, always.
- on the account page, no matter what I check in view, I always see the closed accounts (striked, but there).
- I need to update the finance:quote - Bourso script. Where is it located in the windows version?
- no matter what, I did not succeed in changing language to French, what is the normal approach? Is it right from the download that it is chosen?

I don't know if I installed it properly.... maybe not.
So first, I'd like to uninstall it properly, but it does not show in the windows programme list (in the configuration panel>programmes and functionnalities.)
How should I uninstall it ?

Then , for my version of PC, what version of installer should I select? the 2010, the 2008, the 32 bits?

During the upload, there is a systematic checksum error on one of the package, #29, something lib (sorry, I did not write it down...). It is the same whatever the mirror site (i tried several).

Even though I can't be on ubuntu yet, I'd really like to keep using KMM... but I am still a bit frightened on using it yet in windows...
Thanks for your helps, and if my post lacks some details, don't hesitate.

Registered Member

Re: Installation on Windows Vista.

Wed Feb 02, 2011 2:49 am
I am running vista tooo and looking for some sort of finace tracker. Is there anywhere I can see a demo of kmymoney?
Registered Member

Re: Installation on Windows Vista.

Mon Feb 07, 2011 8:14 pm

in parallel to my installation of KMM in a virtual box on Ubuntu, I keep trying to used the version I installed on Vista.

Further report of issues :
- usage of "shift+ ctrl+space" in the ledger view, to mark as reconcilied is often long (2-3 s per line, vs 0.2s in Ubuntu)), and after a few item, it crashes : kioslave ceased functionning

Hopefully, it is working fine in the virtual box.
Registered Member

Re: Installation on Windows Vista.

Wed Feb 09, 2011 7:51 am
As I said, the main way I found to use it from my vista session is to create a VirtualBox, install Ubuntu into it, install Guest additions (not so easy), install KMM (quite ok, if you just want the version that is in their repository).
And there, it is quite fine. I still need to get use to the 4.5.x version. I was more used to the 1.0.5 one...
KDE Developer

Re: Installation on Windows Vista.

Thu Mar 03, 2011 1:16 pm
To uninstall just run the installer that you used to install kmymoney in the first place. As for the issues you have reported I would dare to say that all of them are caused by the current state of the KDE platform on Windows and packaging issues on Windows. Unfortunately we, the KDE development team, can't do much about that other then become KDE on Windows developers :).

cristian.onet, proud to be a member of KDE forums since 2008-Oct.


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