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KMyMoney 4.6.1 released

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KDE Developer

KMyMoney 4.6.1 released

Wed Aug 17, 2011 12:07 pm
The KMyMoney Team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of
KMyMoney version 4.6.1. This version contains several fixes for bugs found in 4.6.0 since it was released three months ago.

Here is a list of the most important changes since the last stable release:
  • fixed schedules moved to the next processing day
  • fixed a crash with an uncaught exception when closing the current file
    before a GNUCash import
  • fixed the split window redraw when resizing
  • fixed a crash caused by an invalid budget
  • fixed a crash when deleting an account
  • the date can now be modified when editing multiple transactions
  • he balance in the payees view is now computed correctly even if the payee
    has transactions with different currencies

cristian.onet, proud to be a member of KDE forums since 2008-Oct.


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