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Kmymoney Installation Problems and more

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I'm having a problem with kmymoney. First of all, I had problems installing it from the package manager. Ubuntu kept blocking it.

When I finally got it installed, when I open it, it sais version 1.0 (or something like that) and it won't open my file that I created automatically (as it had in the past). When I try to go to my file directly (it's housed on internet storage space - jungle disk), the first box that pops up is a "select currency" box. When I choose the currency, it opens a blank file. When I attempt to open it again, it asks me to save the current document. When I click on save, it wipes out my file, replacing the current file with the blank information. The only way I am able to retrieve my original file is to go to jungle disk's archive and open it.

I've tried upgrading to the newest version on kmymoney, but I can't seem to install the tar.gz file through my package manager.

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Hei Ku
Registered Member
If it's blocked, you have a dependency manager.
Version 1.0 is frozen and out of maintenance already.

Which version of Ubuntu are you running?

Hei Ku, proud to be a member of the KMyMoney Development Team since January-2008


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