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Need help on how to help developing KMyMoney

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A couple of months ago I changed from using Windows to using Linux.
A couple of days ago, I realized that I needed to keep track of my money.
I found KMyMoney and I love it!!!
And since I'm a little bit of a programmer: good C++ skills, Webdevelopment skills, QT skills, I somehow felt the great need to help you guys develop KMyMoney.

So to start helping I found a small bug in KMyMoney (0.8.8).
First of all create an account. E.g. "test".
Then go to the Cathegory Ledgers.
Select the account "test".
Go back to the Account view and rename the account "test" to something else like "changed".
Go back to the Ledgers view and the account will still be called "test".

Now I never really tryed to learn how CVS and SourceForge works. I realize that I want to change that. Can you guys help me getting started?

Where can I write down that I found a bug?

How can I add myself as a developer to the KMyMoney Project, so that I can actually apply changed to the program?

How do I setup a CVS environment with Eclipse to alter KMyMoney?

Hope somebody can help to introduce me to the world of OpenSource!
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Hei Ku
Registered Member
Hello, first of all you should download the newest version from KMyMoney, which is VERY different from 0.8.8. That is about a couple of years old when it comes to new feature. If you have liked 0.8.8, you will love the CVS version.

Here, you have a good place to start. That's the development section of our official page:

Also, check the install section on how to install from CVS.
Our recommended stack is KDevelop and Cervisia, but Eclipse should do it if you can make it work with autotools.

You should also subscribe to the developers list. That's where the action happens.
Feel free to ask any questions. We will be glad to help.

Hei Ku, proud to be a member of the KMyMoney Development Team since January-2008


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