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Mentor Guidelines

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Mentor Guidelines

Fri Nov 27, 2009 9:47 pm
Here are some guidelines for how to become a mentor and hold a Klassroom. Don't forget that you always can ask the forum team if there's anything you are unsure about.

As a mentor, your role is to plan the course and guide the students through it. The procedure can be divided into 3 parts (4 if you aren't already a mentor):


Become a Mentor
  • To join the Mentors group, send a private message to the "Administrators" group
  • Along with your request, please provide at least a rough idea of the types of courses you want to hold, and on which topics (documentation, junior job, screencasts...). It doesn't have to be very detailed, just to clearly define the topics you want to cover
  • If you need help, the forum staff will gladly offer assistance
  • Finally you will be added to the Mentors group

That's where the fun starts!

Prepare the course
  • Select at least 5 real life targets from your projects that your students can choose from to fulfill during the course
  • Draft an introduction in the Mentor forum, so other team members can review and suggest improvements
  • After the review, the course will be posted in the Klassroom forum

  • Introduce the course to your selected students, giving start tips on how to proceed
  • The students will post their progress in the forum, check their progress and see how they progress towards the course goal
  • Answer questions from the students and help them with problems they encounter

  • When the course is finished, a topic will be created where you can discuss the course with the students
  • Finally, write a short summary of the course in Klassroom with focus on the initial goals and the result

More detailed information is available in the Mentors forum.

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