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buy smartphone

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buy smartphone

Fri Nov 28, 2014 3:17 pm
I have postponed buying a new mobile phone. Now since Nokia has been bought by Microsoft, I think it does not make much sense to wait much longer.
So what could be the alternatives? I am definitely not buying Windows and I am also not a fan of the closed enviroment of an Iphone. Does anyone have some ideas/ experiences? I want a phone to work well with KDE / Linux in the sense of synchronisation of the data (contacts, notes, bookmarks, passwords) on it. I would also like to use the 3G connection it has for my laptop from time to time. I am not a developer, but still I would like the environment to be as open as possible so that I can install whatever cool things developers produce not limited by a company policy. I really would have liked to install KDE apps, but since the Meego perspective is rather unclear it seems there will be now availability for this anytime soon. I wont buy a symbian phone either. This is for sure.
So is there any alternative to Android? And if not, which is the best Android phone to buy? I would like to have one with a real keyboard and a touch screen. It should be possible to install one of those custom firmware builds which get rid of Google spyware.

Any comments and suggestions welcome!

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Re: buy smartphone

Fri Nov 28, 2014 8:34 pm
seems that this not really a KDE question (unless you have a specific question regarding sync'ing with KDE) but a smart phone one and something you would get a better posting in a more appropriate forum

as the alternatives with market share is pretty limited I would suggest you post in an Android forum

regarding physical keyboards other than maybe Blackberry they're pretty passe but here's a recent list to help you get started ... ards-87556

OpenSuse Leap 42.1 x64, Plasma 5.x


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