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Kontact, panel notification applet, ZOOM kudos

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For once i'll keep this short!

I know that ZOOM is not a "KDE app" but the app in the repositories had to be made by KDE developers.
The college as completely opened, masked at ALL TIMES....with redesigned interior spaces and all personnel and students going through multiple training sessions using ZOOM and the client works, simple as that.

ZOOM APP UPDATES from repos using Discover.

A NOTE.... the college has everyone go through the colleges ...."portal" to ZOOM and at the end of the handshake ZOOM says that the app needs to be updated and offers to use DISCOVER to download the .deb for Ubuntu and it all works very smoothly, when the .deb is installed i go on to the College's Zoom ....."place" and can set up meetings, attend meetings, etc.


To put it quite simply, the KONTACT developers have really stepped up to the plate. It works hands down.
The e-mail interacts with the colleges MS Outlook on the Web (tm) and also with G-mail.

The calendar works and imports both .ical and .csv.

NOTIFICATION applet in the lower right panel.

It has always "quietly worked" but in this situation.....the thing is a JEWEL....

the college has gone completely to "two step authentication" to do ANYTHING.... when one tries to log into anything it says that it will send an authentication code to my cell phone and I have to enter it. This happens MULTIPLE TIMES a day...

The NOTIFICATION applet which is synced with the cell phone's "messaging app" through, I think, maybe KDE connect.... pops up with the code in white letters on a black backdrop and I can read it there on the screen instead of having to have the cell phone near to hand....

KUDOS to the Notification applet developers.... really..............that simple thing has save me SO MUCH TIME .... :)

So, this is a big THANK YOU to the KDE developers of all things wonderful but especially the above mentioned.

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Kontact performed above and beyond today.

A student messaged me today that the student has been told to self isolate tomorrow and Wednesday and will be tested tomorrow for the Covid virus.

This requires that I "set en train" several things by contacting a "coordinator" which then sets of a "bifurcating path" of messages sent to other administrators and all of those then are "cc'd" to me AND to other people.

It was not a "flurry" of stuff but a positive "DUNE" film dust storm of e-mails, replies, ccs, etc. etc.

And this is EXACTLY what is supposed to happen to support the student.

If the student is, indeed, tested positive then ANOTHER positive DUNE dust storm of e-mails will explode to "contact trace" all of the students AND yours truly.

We could all be "self isolating" within a few days and THEN..... LIbre Office / Calligra come into play when I then put up my presentations with audio commentary for ALL OF MY LECTURES.... And.... when I start "Zooming"... which Kubuntu does very nicely, thank you very much! :)

I had both Kontact and the MS cloud e-mail server for the college working in parallel "just as a check" and Kontact stepped up to the plate and knocked out a home run!

MY KUDOS to the devs of Kontact and KDE in general!



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