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Hello, I am using eigen library to solve a least squares problem (ie. Nx=b). I am using the LDLT solver and it works great . Big jump in speed. My system has around 50000 observations and 1000 parameters that are being estimated. My question is how can I use Eigen to obtain the parameter covariance information. I know how to do it in theory but it involves computing the inverse of the normal matrix (N). For example:
N=A'*P*A where: A' is the transpose of my design matrix 1000 by 50000 P is my observation covariance matrix A is my design matrix 50000 by 1000 After getting my estimated parameters, x, I also want to extract the covariance information associated with the estimated parameters Cx but: Cx=inv(N). My problem is then how to obtain the inverse of N using the Eigen library. I know that inv(N)=inv(L*) inv(L) where L is the lower triangular Cholesky decomposition of A. I think I get can L from using Eigen but then I would still need to inverse L.This is ok since we know that N must be positive semi-definite since it is a covariance matrix. From everywhere I have read, I see that I should probably avoid inverseing if possible. So if anyone has a suggestion on how to avoid it but still get Cx that would also be helpful. Thanks for your time! |
Just solve with the identity matrix as the right hand side:
A Cx = I Note that the result is expected to be pretty dense.Since your matrix is pretty small, you can use a dense matrix for I, Cx. Note that in general it not recommended to explicitly compute the inverse of a matrix, especially a large one. Instead, if the inverse is only used for multiplication purposes, use ldlt.solve() instead. |
Registered Member
Thanks ggael for your reply,
However, I am not sure I understand. Since A is a n x m matrix Cx is a m x m matrix and the identiy matrix must be square it does not seem to make sense to me since the dimensions do not agree. Do you have a reference where I can find your suggestion to get a better understanding? Trah |
Registered Member
Whoops I feel dumb now. N*inv(N)=I ......sorry for wasting your time!!
yeah, I used A instead of N, sorry for the confusion.
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In my app I actually noticed that calculating the inverse in a precomputation step, and later multiplying by it, is much faster than using solve. Does it make sense or is it just my specific matrix? |
that's surprising, usually the inverse is much denser than the factors (thanks to reordering), maybe your matrix has indeed a special structure.
Registered Member
I'll try to check these properties, but still, maybe the matrix multiplication has a better implementation that takes a better advantage of openmp for example.
oh, do you apply it to dense objects or sparse matrices? In the later case that could make sense.
Registered Member
1. I'm using a dense matrix. How many non-zeros (in percent) should my matrix have in order for me to start working with sparse matrices, such that the solver would be faster?
2. On a second look, my matrix isn't necessarily positive definite, so I actually use ColPivHouseholderQR, but I don't mind using any other solver if it would make the .solve() any faster (than the multiplication). 3. What statistics should I check that would tell me if my matrix is indeed 'special', and would probably benefit better from multiplication than from solve()? |
oh, when I read "large matrix" I immediately thought about sparse matrices. For dense objects the only issue of explicitly computing the inverse is regarding accuracy, especially if the matrix in nearly singular. You might give PartialPivLU a try, it should be faster than QR, and offer similar performance than a matrix product (slightly slower, but you also avoid computing the inverse) with higher numerical accuracy.
Registered Member
You are right, my bad.
I"ll try the partial solver out. Thanks. |
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