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Eigen provides its own algorithms, and you can iterate over Eigen::Matrix/Array using unaryExpr. However, my application has replaced all C-Arrays and std::arrays with Eigen::Matrix data-types. Using Eigen methods in hot-spots is mandatory. Still, in the remaining 90% of my code base my users shouldn't even know that an Eigen::Matrix vector has different behaviour than a std::vector or a std::array. Explicitly coding everything for Eigen reduces the flexibility of my code.
So what I want is: when a function returns an Eigen vector, my users should be able to just recieve it by value using auto, iterate over it as if it where a std::vector, and use it with at least Boost.Range algorithms (std::algorithms would be nice but is not necessary). I'm not interested in matrices and don't even know if this makes sense for them, but for vectors (point, coordinates, velocities, rotations...) it does. First attempt: overload std::begin/std::end
Then, I need to specialize some traits to be able to use some Boost.Range algorithms:
This works most of the time, for most of the eigen vectors, and most of the algorithms. This doesn't check if you are using a vector or have a multi-dimensional matrix so it can be dangerous. It would be nice if Eigen itself would provide a solution to this problem. In particular, if it would: - conform to the interface of a standard container: this would make things a lot easier, albeit probably very inefficient. Inefficiency would be the user's fault tho. - specialize Boost.Range for Eigen types: this allows calling Eigen member functions on the Eigen types instead of the std::algorithms using iterators (i.e. efficient). The first point is required for range-based for loops. The second point would allow using the for_each algorithm (which could call e.g. unaryExpr and potentially be more efficient). Range-based for loops are really nice. Even if they are efficient it is worth it to support them. I would be interested in implementing this two things. I am familiar with using Eigen3, have some minor experience with expression templates, but haven't really looked much at the Eigen code base yet (most of the code would go into it's own header file tho). So: - is there interest? If it only interest myself I might just do what I need for my own project. - if there is interest, would someone be able to mentor me? That is, is there some else that is really interested on this and has the time to review my code (e.g. in a github repository) and to discuss my solution and propose improvements, etc. ? |
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There is an issue on our bug tracker on STL-compatible iterators for Eigen type: http://eigen.tuxfamily.org/bz/show_bug.cgi?id=231 . So I'd say there is definitely some interest in this.
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std::begin/std::end is a nice start. It should be important to decide if we want them to be "simple pointers" or if we we want stronger guarantees.
In the bug report the proposed iterators have a pointer to the container and an index. This is allows - identifying if someone is trying to e.g. compare iterators that belong to different objects. However, it comes at the expense of: - twice as much memory per iterator, and - slightly worse performance. My experience with this kind of implementation is that the performance drawback and the memory overhead are barely noticeable. One could construct a case in which the memory overhead is important, e.g. if someone stores a vector of iterators. In practice, this would be something really atypical. Still, the STL doesn't give you this guarantee. Comparing iterators belonging to different containers is undefined behavior. See: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8447 ... stablished From: http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/ ... e.html#446 (note: emphasis is mine)
Anyways, the fastest way to iterate over an "Eigen sequence" would be to use a range-based for-each algorithm (e.g. an specialization of boost::for_each) that calls unaryExpression for a given function object. I thus wouldn't mind for a barely noticeable slower iterator implementation if it gives me the extra guarantees. Furthermore, there is always the possibility of implementing the extra checks only in debug mode. |
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It would be nice to put this comment directly in the bugzilla so that it will be read by anyone interested to contribute on this aspect and to continue this discussion there.
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