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I am doing my master thesis at The University of Linköping (Sweden). Roughly: I am trying to create a direction field repressenting a mesh - and for that I need to solve a linear system Ax = b, i.e. I want to find x that solves the equation. Also the l2-norm of x must be minimized. The matrix A is sparse and underconstrained. Is there anyway I can solve this in a elegant way, preferably without using the external solvers? Best regards Douglas Nordwall |
If you known that the rows of A are linearly independent (so you have more columns than rows), then you can solve AA^T y = b (using any of our sparse linear solver) and get x = A^T y. Otherwise, you can use our SparseQR (in Eigen 3.2) which is rank revealing to help you computing the rank of A and assemble a full rank Gram matrix (AA^T here).
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Are you sure this will work? When I try solving AA^Ty = b in matlab I get a vector of infinite valued numbers. I just want to make sure I get the math correct before trying to implement anything.
Thank you for your time! //Douglas |
This is because rank(A)<rows(A), therefore A*A' is singular and you're back the original problem. How large are your matrices? If not too large, then a dense SVD will do the job easily. Otherwise, the best would be to perform a complete orthogonalization which is more tricky.
Registered Member
Hey, thanks for your answer! (Although my linear algebra is a bit outdated)
This is basicly what I wish to do: [Q,R,E] = qr(A') ; x = Q*(R'\(E'*b)) ; Can I obtain Q, R and E with a SparseQR implementation? //Douglas |
Registered Member
Found Q, R, E using ColPivHouseholderQR.
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Could you please elaborate the dense SVD solution? I am currently working on pretty small matrixes where M*N < 100. Im trying the JacobianSVD solver, and it doesnt give me the solution Im looking for.
The following matlab code produces the result I want: [Q, R, E] = qr(A'); x = Q*(R'\(E'*b)); And I've managed to get the correct Q, R and E using Eigen. Thanks for your time! //Douglas |
hm, which Eigen version are you using? JacobiSVD::solve should give you the minimal norm solution. Please try the latest Eigen version.
Regarding x = Q*(R'\(E'*b)); you can apply Q and E' using operator*. However, R'\ will require one more LS solver, e.g., using a QR factorization of R(1:rank,:)' which is full rank. A smarter approach is to eliminate R(1:rank,rank:columns) by applying householder reflectors on the right to get the full orthogonalization... |
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Yes, I have the latest release!
This is how I use the JacobiSVD:
The vector xe contains a solution, but I dont think it is the minimum l2 norm solution. Am I using it wrong? Ive also tried to QR factorize it first to solve x = Q*(R'\(E'*b)).
But without to much of a surprise it produces the same solution. //Douglas |
hm, our bad: Changeset: 99289da182ea User: ggael Date: 2013-11-01 18:21:46 Summary: Add a rank method with threshold control to JacobiSVD, and make solve uses it to return the minimal norm solution for rank-deficient problems |
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