Registered Member
I use Matlab to LDLT decomposition the matrix, ok!
but failed using Eigen. Can anybody help me? matlab code: load GK27.txt; s27=spconvert(GK27); L27 = chol(s27,'lower'); c++: SimplicialLDLT<SparseMatrix<double>> _solver; _solver.compute(_GlobalK); if(!=Success) the matrix is: password 4ecb |
The rank of your matrix is only 272, and SimplicialLDLT does not support non full-rank matrices. You can use SparseQR<SpMat,COLAMDOrdering<int> > for non full rank problems.
Registered Member
Now I use SparseQR<SpMat,COLAMDOrdering<int> > to decomposition the matrix; however it cannot get a correct R matrix; General, the diag value of R is the eigenvalue of the matrix; for non full-rank matrices,diag value will be zero at some way;now the diag value of R are all 1E120; how can i get a correct R matrix! Can you help me again? thank you! |
Registered Member
SimplicialLDLT<SparseMatrix<double>> _solver;
_solver.compute(_GlobalK); if(!=Success) { SparseMatrix<double> _GlobalK2; _GlobalK2=_GlobalK; for (int k2=0; k2<_GlobalK.outerSize(); ++k2) { for (SparseMatrix<double>::InnerIterator it(_GlobalK,k2); it; ++it) { if(it.col()!=it.row()) { GlobalK2.insert(it.col(),it.row()) = it.value(); } } } _GlobalK2.makeCompressed(); Eigen::SparseQR<SparseMatrix<double>,COLAMDOrdering<int>> _solverQR; _solverQR.compute(_GlobalK2); std::ofstream fout("Rmat.txt"); fout<<_solverQR.matrixR()<<endl; fout<<endl; fout.close(); } the R matrix is: password 824b |
This is correct, the singular values of your matrix are:
Registered Member
The result of R was unique; So,result of R should be consistent between "Eigen Solver" and "Matlab"; However,the result is not the same. Matlab Result and code: password 44f4 matlab diag of R matrix:
for non full-rank matrices,diag value will be zero at some way the zero positions are very important for me. I am very happy to be able to use eigen solver,because it is fast and convenient. Thanks for the Eigen!Thank you! |
SparseQR performs column pivoting for both numerical robustness and to reduce fill-in. So the actual decomposition is: A * P = Q * R which is why all non-zero diagonal elements appear first.
Registered Member
Thanks, This is a structural engineering problem, we use the finite element method, and the degrees of freedom at fixed position usually adopts the method of setting a big number(1E120); So,QR decomposition with column pivoting will set a big number(1E120) as a pivot element, Other elements is much less than big number(1E120) wiil be ignored. Now,I removed the fixed Row and column,and I got the correct rank of the matrix (the rank is 1916). Is there a way to get the position(row and column number) of the non-zero of diag,Just like the matlab? Thanks! |
You should rather move the hard constraints to the right hand side or using Lagrange multipliers.
You can also play with the pivot threshold to enforce SparseQR to see it as a full-rank problem:
SparseQR<SpMat,COLAMDOrdering<int> > qr; qr.setPivotThreshold(1e-16); qr.compute(A); |
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