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A quick question. Is it possible to do a dot product of two matrices who follow the standard matrix multiplication rule of (nx4) * (4xn) but have an un matching amount of rows(n) and columns(n)? My attempts so far have thrown Block, size == other.size() and Rhs != Lhs assertion failures depnding on the various methods used. In python this code would roughly be and hss no issues working on unmatching rows and columns. dot(e * d, j) Thanks in advance, Kris |
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What do you mean by "an un matching amount of rows(n) and columns(n)" ?? If you mean a product like: (6x4) * (4x9) then that's of course perfectly possible. Please show the failing line of code.
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Hi sorry,
Here is the offending method, I am fairly new to Eigen and C++ so have many dumb quesitons like this. ![]() This is what makes sense to me when I think about what I am trying to achieve. The reconstructed matrix (recon) column(i) contains the products of every row & column in wZ and h at the current index(i). wZ dimensions = (188x4) h dimensions = (4x14838) but we are taking one column and row at a time so (188x1) and (1x14838). MatrixXd reconstruct(MatrixXd w, MatrixXd h, VectorXd z){ //reconstruct MatrixXd wZ = w * z; MatrixXd recon; for (int i = 0; i < z.rows(); ++i){ wZ.transposeInPlace(); recon.col(i) = (wZ.col(i)).dot(h.row(i)); } return recon; } Thanks for the help, Kris |
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I still don't get it as there are too numerous flaws in your code:
- recon must be properly sized before filling it, like MatrixXd recon(rows,cols); - wZ is transposed at each iterations, so you are taking a row/column for odd/even iterations... - you do not need to transpose wZ at all, just use .row or .col - .dot() performs a scalar product, it takes two vectors of the same length and return the sum of the pair-wise product of the coefficients. So it returns a scalar that you try to assign to a column vector... - if you want to perform products like (188x1) * (1x14838), then this is called a outer product. In Eigen syntax, this is accomplished by: wZ.col(i) * h.row(i) .This returns a 188x14838. Again, this is not a vector, so it cannot be assigned to a column vector... |
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