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Dear all,
I am starting to use Eigen library in the context of statistical modelling. I need to solve a linear system using only the lower triangular matrix from the Cholesky decomposition of a SPD matrix. My goal is to compute C^{-1/2} V^{-1/2} where V^{-1/2} and C are known matrices. For general matrix class MatrixXd I can do using the code below. But, now I would like to do the same using the SparseMatrix class. I tried to adapt my code, but it did not work. Any help will be welcome. ## Using MatrixXd
## Using SparseMatrix
Thank you in advance. |
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For sparse matrice, the input matrix has to be reordered to reduce fill-in and make the Cholesky decomposition tractable. Two options:
1 - your matrix Omega is already well structured (e.g., non-zeros are nearby the diagonal) in which case you can use NaturalOrdering<int> as the third template parameter of SimplicialLLT to by-pass this reordering. 2 - you need to take into account the permutation returned by solver.permutationP() or solver.permutationPinv(); Recall that P is such that: P A P^-1 = L L^T. |
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