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This commit seems to break build on macos (travis-ci) ... 113296e3f7 84.40s$ if [ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME == osx ]; then hg clone /tmp/eigen && mkdir /tmp/eigen-build && cd /tmp/eigen-build && cmake . /tmp/eigen && make -j3 && sudo make install && cd -; fi adding changesets adding manifests adding file changes added 8936 changesets with 29551 changes to 2851 files updating to branch 3.3 1609 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved -- The C compiler identification is AppleClang -- The CXX compiler identification is AppleClang -- Check for working C compiler: /Applications/ -- Check for working C compiler: /Applications/ -- works -- Detecting C compiler ABI info -- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done -- Detecting C compile features -- Detecting C compile features - done -- Check for working CXX compiler: /Applications/ -- Check for working CXX compiler: /Applications/ -- works -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done -- Detecting CXX compile features -- Detecting CXX compile features - done -- Performing Test standard_math_library_linked_to_automatically -- Performing Test standard_math_library_linked_to_automatically - Success -- Standard libraries to link to explicitly: none -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_WERROR -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_WERROR - Success -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_pedantic -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_pedantic - Success -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_Wall -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_Wall - Success -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_Wextra -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_Wextra - Success -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_Wundef -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_Wundef - Success -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_Wcastalign -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_Wcastalign - Success -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_Wcharsubscripts -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_Wcharsubscripts - Success -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_Wnonvirtualdtor -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_Wnonvirtualdtor - Success -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_Wunusedlocaltypedefs -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_Wunusedlocaltypedefs - Success -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_Wpointerarith -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_Wpointerarith - Success -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_Wwritestrings -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_Wwritestrings - Success -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_Wformatsecurity -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_Wformatsecurity - Success -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_Wshorten64to32 -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_Wshorten64to32 - Success -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_Wlogicalop -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_Wlogicalop - Failed -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_Wenumconversion -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_Wenumconversion - Success -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_Wcpp11extensions -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_Wcpp11extensions - Success -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_Wdoublepromotion -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_Wdoublepromotion - Success -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_Wshadow -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_Wshadow - Success -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_Wnopsabi -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_Wnopsabi - Failed -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_Wnovariadicmacros -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_Wnovariadicmacros - Success -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_Wnolonglong -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_Wnolonglong - Success -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_fnochecknew -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_fnochecknew - Success -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_fnocommon -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_fnocommon - Success -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_fstrictaliasing -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_fstrictaliasing - Success -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_wd981 -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_wd981 - Failed -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_wd2304 -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_wd2304 - Failed -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_STRICTANSI -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_STRICTANSI - Failed -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_Qunusedarguments -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_Qunusedarguments - Success -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_ansi -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_ansi - Success -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_OPENMP -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_OPENMP - Failed -- Performing Test EIGEN_COMPILER_SUPPORT_CPP11 -- Performing Test EIGEN_COMPILER_SUPPORT_CPP11 - Success -- Found unsuitable Qt version "" from NOTFOUND -- Performing Test EIGEN_COMPILER_SUPPORT_CXX11 -- Performing Test EIGEN_COMPILER_SUPPORT_CXX11 - Success -- The Fortran compiler identification is unknown -- A cache variable, namely BLAS_DIR, has been set to specify the install directory of BLAS -- Looking for BLAS -- mkl.h not found -- Looking for pthread.h -- Looking for pthread.h - found -- Looking for pthread_create -- Looking for pthread_create - found -- Found Threads: TRUE -- Looking for MKL BLAS: not found -- Looking for Goto BLAS: not found -- Looking for Open BLAS: not found -- Looking for Eigen BLAS: not found -- Looking for Eigen BLAS: not found -- Looking for Atlas BLAS: not found -- Looking for PhiPACK BLAS: not found -- Looking for CXML BLAS: not found -- Looking for DXML BLAS: not found -- Looking for SunPerf BLAS: not found -- Looking for SCSL BLAS: not found -- Looking for SGIMATH BLAS: not found -- Looking for IBM ESSL BLAS: not found -- Looking for IBM ESSL MT BLAS: not found -- Looking for ACML BLAS: not found -- Looking for ACML BLAS: not found -- Looking for ACML BLAS: not found -- Looking for Apple BLAS: not found -- Looking for NAS BLAS: not found -- Looking for Fortran sgemm -- Looking for Fortran sgemm - not found -- Looking for Generic BLAS: not found -- Looking for Generic BLAS: not found -- Looking for Generic BLAS: not found -- Looking for Generic BLAS: not found -- Looking for Generic BLAS: not found CMake Warning at cmake/FindBLAS.cmake:1371 (message): BLA_VENDOR has been set to All but blas libraries could not be found or check of symbols failed. Please indicate where to find blas libraries. You have three options: - Option 1: Provide the installation directory of BLAS library with cmake option: -DBLAS_DIR=your/path/to/blas - Option 2: Provide the directory where to find BLAS libraries with cmake option: -DBLAS_LIBDIR=your/path/to/blas/libs - Option 3: Update your environment variable (Linux: LD_LIBRARY_PATH, Windows: LIB, Mac: DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH) To follow libraries detection more precisely you can activate a verbose mode with -DBLAS_VERBOSE=ON at cmake configure. You could also specify a BLAS vendor to look for by setting -DBLA_VENDOR=blas_vendor_name. List of possible BLAS vendor: Goto, ATLAS PhiPACK, CXML, DXML, SunPerf, SCSL, SGIMATH, IBMESSL, Intel10_32 (intel mkl v10 32 bit),Intel10_64lp (intel mkl v10 64 bit, lp thread model, lp64 model), Intel10_64lp_seq (intel mkl v10 64 bit, sequential code, lp64 model),Intel( older versions of mkl 32 and 64 bit), ACML, ACML_MP, ACML_GPU, Apple, NAS, Generic Call Stack (most recent call first): cmake/FindLAPACK.cmake:138 (find_package) test/CMakeLists.txt:30 (find_package) -- A library with BLAS API not found. Please specify library location. -- LAPACK requires BLAS. -- Could NOT find CHOLMOD (missing: CHOLMOD_INCLUDES CHOLMOD_LIBRARIES) -- Could NOT find UMFPACK (missing: UMFPACK_INCLUDES UMFPACK_LIBRARIES) -- Could NOT find SUPERLU (missing: SUPERLU_INCLUDES SUPERLU_LIBRARIES SUPERLU_VERSION_OK) -- Found PkgConfig: /usr/local/bin/pkg-config (found version "0.29.1") -- Checking for one of the modules 'hwloc' -- Looking for Fortran sgemm CMake Error: CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER not set, after EnableLanguage CMake Error: Internal CMake error, TryCompile configure of cmake failed -- Looking for Fortran sgemm - not found -- Could NOT find BLAS (missing: BLAS_SEQ_LIBRARIES BLAS_LIBRARY_DIRS) -- Performing Test SCOTCH_Num_4 -- Performing Test SCOTCH_Num_4 - Failed -- Performing Test SCOTCH_Num_8 -- Performing Test SCOTCH_Num_8 - Failed -- Could NOT find MPI_C (missing: MPI_C_LIBRARIES MPI_C_INCLUDE_PATH) -- Could NOT find MPI_CXX (missing: MPI_CXX_LIBRARIES MPI_CXX_INCLUDE_PATH) -- Performing Test PTSCOTCH_Num_4 -- Performing Test PTSCOTCH_Num_4 - Failed -- Performing Test PTSCOTCH_Num_8 -- Performing Test PTSCOTCH_Num_8 - Failed -- A version of Pastix has been found but pastix_nompi.h does not exist in the include directory. Because Eigen tests require a version without MPI, we disable the Pastix backend. -- Could NOT find SPQR (missing: SPQR_INCLUDES SPQR_LIBRARIES) -- Found unsuitable Qt version "" from NOTFOUND -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_FASTMATH -- Performing Test COMPILER_SUPPORT_FASTMATH - Success -- Boost version: 1.62.0 -- Could NOT find GOOGLEHASH (missing: GOOGLEHASH_INCLUDES GOOGLEHASH_COMPILE) -- Could NOT find ADOLC (missing: ADOLC_INCLUDES ADOLC_LIBRARIES) -- Found MPFR: /usr/local/include (Required is at least version "2.3.0") -- Found GMP: /usr/local/include -- Could NOT find FFTW (missing: FFTW_INCLUDES FFTW_LIBRARIES) -- Found OpenGL: /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework -- Found GLUT: /System/Library/Frameworks/GLUT.framework CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR not found or specified -- Could NOT find CUDA (missing: CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR CUDA_NVCC_EXECUTABLE CUDA_INCLUDE_DIRS CUDA_CUDART_LIBRARY) (Required is at least version "7.0") -- Found unsuitable Qt version "" from NOTFOUND -- Qt4 not found, so disabling the mandelbrot and opengl demos -- Could NOT find CHOLMOD (missing: CHOLMOD_INCLUDES CHOLMOD_LIBRARIES) -- Could NOT find UMFPACK (missing: UMFPACK_INCLUDES UMFPACK_LIBRARIES) -- Could NOT find SUPERLU (missing: SUPERLU_INCLUDES SUPERLU_LIBRARIES SUPERLU_VERSION_OK) -- Checking for one of the modules 'hwloc' -- Could NOT find BLAS (missing: BLAS_LIBRARY_DIRS) -- Could NOT find MPI_C (missing: MPI_C_LIBRARIES MPI_C_INCLUDE_PATH) -- Could NOT find MPI_CXX (missing: MPI_CXX_LIBRARIES MPI_CXX_INCLUDE_PATH) -- A version of Pastix has been found but pastix_nompi.h does not exist in the include directory. Because Eigen tests require a version without MPI, we disable the Pastix backend. CMake Warning (dev) in bench/spbench/CMakeLists.txt: A logical block opening on the line /tmp/eigen/bench/spbench/CMakeLists.txt:51 (if) closes on the line /tmp/eigen/bench/spbench/CMakeLists.txt:63 (endif) with mis-matching arguments. This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it. -- ************************************************************ -- *** Eigen's unit tests configuration summary *** -- ************************************************************ -- -- Build type: Release -- Build site: Traviss-Mac-5.local -- Build string: darwin-16.1.0-llvm-clang++-8.0.0-sse2-64bit -- Enabled backends: Boost.Multiprecision, MPFR C++, -- Disabled backends: Cholmod, UmfPack, SuperLU, PaStiX, METIS, SPQR, Qt4 support, GoogleHash, Adolc, fftw, OpenGL, -- Default order: Column-major -- Maximal matrix/vector size: 320 -- SSE2: Using architecture defaults -- SSE3: Using architecture defaults -- SSSE3: Using architecture defaults -- SSE4.1: Using architecture defaults -- SSE4.2: Using architecture defaults -- AVX: Using architecture defaults -- FMA: Using architecture defaults -- AVX512: Using architecture defaults -- Altivec: Using architecture defaults -- VSX: Using architecture defaults -- ARM NEON: Using architecture defaults -- ARMv8 NEON: Using architecture defaults -- S390X ZVECTOR: Using architecture defaults -- C++11: OFF -- SYCL: OFF -- CUDA: OFF -- CXX: /Applications/ CXX_FLAGS: -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -Wundef -Wcast-align -Wchar-subscripts -Wnon-virtual-dtor -Wunused-local-typedefs -Wpointer-arith -Wwrite-strings -Wformat-security -Wshorten-64-to-32 -Wenum-conversion -Wc++11-extensions -Wdouble-promotion -Wshadow -Wno-variadic-macros -Wno-long-long -fno-check-new -fno-common -fstrict-aliasing -Qunused-arguments -ansi Sparse lib flags: -- ************************************************************ -- -- Configured Eigen 3.3.3 -- -- Some things you can do now: -- --------------+-------------------------------------------------------------- -- Command | Description -- --------------+-------------------------------------------------------------- -- make install | Install Eigen. Headers will be installed to: -- | <CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX>/<INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR> -- | Using the following values: -- | CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX: /usr/local -- | INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR: include/eigen3 -- | Change the install location of Eigen headers using: -- | cmake . -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=yourprefix -- | Or: -- | cmake . -DINCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR=yourdir -- make doc | Generate the API documentation, requires Doxygen & LaTeX -- make check | Build and run the unit-tests. Read this page: -- | -- make blas | Build BLAS library (not the same thing as Eigen) -- make uninstall| Removes files installed by make install -- --------------+-------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred! See also "/tmp/eigen-build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log". See also "/tmp/eigen-build/CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log". The command "if [ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME == osx ]; then hg clone /tmp/eigen && mkdir /tmp/eigen-build && cd /tmp/eigen-build && cmake . /tmp/eigen && make -j3 && sudo make install && cd -; fi" failed and exited with 1 during . |
it seems that there is a problem with the fortran compiler detection:
-- The Fortran compiler identification is unknown [...] CMake Error: CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER not set, after EnableLanguage CMake Error: Internal CMake error, TryCompile configure of cmake failed Perhaps running cmake with: FC="nofortran" cmake . /tmp/eigen might help. I cannot reproduce on my OSX setup. |
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