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Eigen v3.3 ( windows, 64 bit). I am trying to evaluate Intel MKL's LU decompostion from Eigen ( FullPivLU ) and I follow with this description :https://eigen.tuxfamily.org/dox/TopicUsingIntelMKL.html it seems that Eigen::FullPivLU is not substituted with calls to Intel MKL ( getrf ) in that case. Here is the example of the code I use: #include <iostream> #define EIGEN_USE_MKL_ALL #include <Eigen/Dense> #include <ctime> using namespace Eigen; using namespace std; int main() { typedef Matrix<double, 5, 3> Matrix5x3; typedef Matrix<double, 5, 5> Matrix5x5; Matrix5x3 m = Matrix5x3::Random(); cout << "Here is the matrix m:" << endl << m << endl; Eigen::FullPivLU<Matrix5x3> lu(m); cout << "Here is, up to permutations, its LU decomposition matrix:" << endl << lu.matrixLU() << endl; cout << "Here is the L part:" << endl; Matrix5x5 l = Matrix5x5::Identity(); l.block<5,3>(0,0).triangularView<StrictlyLower>() = lu.matrixLU(); cout << l << endl; cout << "Here is the U part:" << endl; Matrix5x3 u = lu.matrixLU().triangularView<Upper>(); cout << u << endl; cout << "Let us now reconstruct the original matrix m:" << endl; cout << lu.permutationP().inverse() * l * u * lu.permutationQ().inverse() << endl; return 0; } to check if Eigen's functions has been substituted by MKL's, I set MKL_VERBOSE=1 environment variables and see no results. using for example matrix-vector, matrix-matrix, JacobiSVD or Cholesky factorization functions, I see all are OK and Eigen's calls are substituted by MKL: here is example how I see this by using JacobiSVD: set MKL_VERBOSE=1 ....\Eigen>JacobiSVD.exe Here is the matrix m: -0.997497 0.617481 0.127171 0.170019 -0.613392 -0.0402539 MKL_VERBOSE Intel(R) MKL 2017.0 Update 3 Product build 20170413 for Intel(R) 64 architecture Intel(R) Advanced Vector Extensions 2 (Intel(R) AVX2) enabled processors, Win 1.90GHz cdecl intel_thread NMICDev:0 MKL_VERBOSE SGESVD(S,S,3,2,000000583939D190,3,000000583939F750,000000583939D6D0,3,000000583939D3B0,2,00000058391BF630,-1,0) 5.42ms CNR:OFF Dyn:1 FastM M:1 TID:0 NThr:2 WDiv:HOST: -nan MKL_VERBOSE SGESVD(S,S,3,2,000000583939D190,3,000000583939F750,000000583939D6D0,3,000000583939D3B0,2,000000583939F180,10,0) 168.89us CNR:OFF Dyn:1 Fas tMM:1 TID:0 NThr:2 WDiv:HOST:+0.000 Its singular values are: 1.28435 0.386867 Its left singular vectors are the columns of the thin U matrix: -0.906518 -0.37201 0.034606 -0.536653 -0.420747 0.757372 Its right singular vectors are the columns of the thin V matrix: 0.908419 -0.41806 -0.41806 -0.908419 Now consider this rhs vector: 1 0 0 A least-squares solution of m*x = rhs is: MKL_VERBOSE SGEMV(N,2,2,00000058391BF3B8,000000583939D010,2,000000583939F690,1,00000058391BF3B4,000000583939F770,1) 18.02us CNR:OFF Dyn:1 FastMM:1 TID :0 NThr:2 WDiv:HOST:+0.000 -0.239172 1.16861 |
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Indeed, on PartialPivLU is substituted. LU with full pivoting is inherently very slow, but there are intermediates, like LU with rook pivoting. I don't know if MKL provides anything like that though.
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