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Thank you for your precious time. Until recently, the MPRealSupport module was compiling perfectly on Ubuntu with Code::Blocks, but today the compilation is giving error messages. I tried to reinstall MPFR 4, the latest version of Eigen, but nothing helped. I suspect that this is because I upgraded the Ubuntu 16 to version 18, but I don't know what to do. I will be grateful if you can help. For instance, the sample code at the Eigen website is no longer compiling: https://eigen.tuxfamily.org/dox/unsuppo ... odule.html ( I am getting error messages like "Undefined reference to mpfr_set4", etc, to many functions.) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include <iostream> #include <Eigen/MPRealSupport> #include <Eigen/LU> using namespace mpfr; using namespace Eigen; int main() { // set precision to 256 bits (double has only 53 bits) mpreal::set_default_prec(256); // Declare matrix and vector types with multi-precision scalar type typedef Matrix<mpreal,Dynamic,Dynamic> MatrixXmp; typedef Matrix<mpreal,Dynamic,1> VectorXmp; MatrixXmp A = MatrixXmp::Random(100,100); VectorXmp b = VectorXmp::Random(100); // Solve Ax=b using LU VectorXmp x = A.lu().solve(b); std::cout << "relative error: " << (A*x - b).norm() / b.norm() << std::endl; return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
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At long last I fixed the problem. The compiler settings were changed due to the upgraded Ubuntu operating system. Multiple Precision is finally working again! |
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