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redefine cwisemin as a function taking two args

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Hi, I'm in the process of converting some old vector operation code to use Eigen/ArrayXf. I have a lot of code like this:
Code: Select all
    a = x + y + min(x, y)

where x, y and a can either be a double or vector. When they are vector represented as ArrayXf, I could change the formula to
Code: Select all
   a = x + y + x.cwisemin(y)

but that would break the original code that works also for regular double. I tried to define

Code: Select all
inline ArrayXf min(const ArrayXf &x, const ArrayXf &y)
    return x.cwisemin(y)

that would make the original code work without any changes, but this approach seems introducing temporary objects and slow down quite a bit. As the last resort and a temporary solution I was using marco, like this
Code: Select all
 #define  min(x, y) x.cwisemin(y)

It works for ArrayXf without code changes, but not for double. Any idea of how to get around it?


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