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[SOLVED] cholmod complex support

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[SOLVED] cholmod complex support

Fri Dec 19, 2008 11:48 am
Hi Gael, Hi Benoît,

Thank you for Eigen, it really looks very promising.

I'd find very useful to have std::complex support for Eigen::Cholmod backend. Do you plan to add it soon?

I'm new to c++ templating, so I'll try to catch up with this and Eigen and provide help later if possible.


Last edited by bjacob on Mon Dec 29, 2008 8:05 am, edited 1 time in total.

rbossart, proud to be a member of KDE forums since 2008-Dec.
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RE: cholmod complex support

Fri Dec 19, 2008 1:08 pm
I'd find very useful to have std::complex support for Eigen::Cholmod backend. Do you plan to add it soon?

That's a question for Gael....

I'm new to c++ templating, so I'll try to catch up with this and Eigen and provide help later if possible.

Sounds great!

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RE: cholmod complex support

Fri Dec 19, 2008 1:10 pm

actually the support is already there, the problem is in the sparse triangular solver with an adjoint expression (see SparseLLT::solve()). I don't know if that will be easy to solve elegantly, but in the mean time I can try to evaluate the adjoint expression. I'll update this thread if I have any news.
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RE: cholmod complex support

Sat Dec 27, 2008 9:46 am
ggael wrote:Hi,

actually the support is already there, the problem is in the sparse triangular solver with an adjoint expression (see SparseLLT::solve()). I don't know if that will be easy to solve elegantly, but in the mean time I can try to evaluate the adjoint expression. I'll update this thread if I have any news.


Here is an update on using eigen/cholmod on complex sparse matrices. Here are the steps I followed, written in a newbie style...

0. My problem was to solve Ax=B, where A is a given sparse complex SPD matrix and B is a given dense complex vector. The idea was to use Eigen and a Cholesky decomposition plus direct solver. Typical size of the problem is above 1e6 (signal processing application)

1. I started by deriving sparse_cholesky.cpp (from bench directory), in order to understand a bit how to handle matrices, vectors, sparse objects, how to fill them, etc. Thanks to Gael/Benoit, native cholmod calls are also included in sparse_cholesky.cpp, so I could find my way to achieve what was needed using the native cholmod_* calls.

2. I've added MatrixBase::asCholmodDense() method in MatrixBaseAddons.h: it converts the rhs vector B (Matrix,...> ) into a cholmod_dense structure so I can pass it to the solver.

As explained in the doc, this line in your code is to tell MatrixBase to include some extensions
Code: Select all
#define EIGEN_MATRIXBASE_PLUGIN "MatrixBaseAddons.h"

MatrixBaseAddons.h: included by MatrixBase
Code: Select all
 * asCholmodDense()
cholmod_dense asCholmodDense()
  cholmod_dense res;
  res.nrow   = rows();
  res.ncol   = cols();
  res.nzmax  = res.nrow * res.ncol;
  res.d      = res.nrow;
  res.x      = derived().data();
  // res.z unused

  if (ei_is_same_type::ret)
    res.xtype = CHOLMOD_REAL;
    res.dtype = 1;
  else if (ei_is_same_type::ret)
    res.xtype = CHOLMOD_REAL;
    res.dtype = 0;
  else if (ei_is_same_type >::ret)
    res.xtype = CHOLMOD_COMPLEX;
    res.dtype = 1;
  else if (ei_is_same_type >::ret)
    res.xtype = CHOLMOD_COMPLEX;
    res.dtype = 0;
    ei_assert(false && "Scalar type not supported by CHOLMOD");

  return res;

3. I've added a SparseLLT::cholmodSolve(...B, ...&x) method in CholmodSupport.h. It simply uses the fast direct solver included in the cholmod library: cholmod_solve(...) rather than the triangular solver that is currently included in Eigen. I chose the cholmod solver for having complex support quickly (I know Gael is working on improving the triangular solver, but I had not much time, and it's interesting anyway).

In CholmodSupport.h:
Code: Select all
// in SparseLLT declaration
void cholmodSolve(MatrixBase& b, MatrixBase* res) const;


 * cholmodSolve()
void SparseLLT::cholmodSolve(MatrixBase &b, MatrixBase* res) const
  /* FIXME: I don't know why, but converting cholmod_factor into a cholmod_sparse
     prevents cholmod_solve from working ("invalid xtype" error).
     So matrixL() is cannot be used prior to the cholmod solver.
  cholmod_dense cdb = b.asCholmodDense();
  cholmod_dense* x;
  x = cholmod_solve(CHOLMOD_LDLt, m_cholmodFactor, &cdb, &m_cholmod);
  //cholmod_write_dense(stdout, x, 0, &m_cholmod);

  double* d = reinterpret_cast(x->x);
  for (int j=0; jderived().data()[j] = std::complex(d[2*j], d[2*j+1]);

  cholmod_free_dense(&x, &m_cholmod);

Three remarks
a. I have made an ugly conversion from cholmod_dense to Matrix, ...> that needs to be templated. I'll be glad for any help on this!

b. Calling cholmod_factor_to_dense(...) prior to cholmod_solve prevents the latter to work properly ("invalid xtype" error): it looks like the m_cholmodFactor is subtly modified during cholmod_factor_to_dense(). Thus I cannot call matrixL() to return convert the m_choldmodFactor into a sparse matrix before any call to cholmodSolve... Nevermind, m_cholmodFactor is computed correctly during the cholesky factorization process, so I don't need to actually get it as a SparseMatrix.

c. To my understanding, my code actually does a LDLt decomposition (which is a non sense in the SparseLLT class!), maybe the CHOLMOD_LDLt may be changed to something else (CHOLMOD_A, etc) with the same results. I should test this soon.

I can now decompose and solve my complex sparse problems quickly, and still use Eigen's nice-nice API. My current tests show correct results and I'm happy with the speed (close to the native calls). I hope this can be of any help.

Cheers and many thanks to Eigen team!

Last edited by rbossart on Sat Dec 27, 2008 9:55 am, edited 1 time in total.

rbossart, proud to be a member of KDE forums since 2008-Dec.
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RE: cholmod complex support

Sat Dec 27, 2008 7:40 pm
hi, thanks for the explanations.

in short, from revision 902226:

* enable complex support for the CHOLMOD LLT backend using CHOLMOD's triangular solver
* quick fix for complex support in SparseLLT::solve

To answer your concerns:

a) I simply use a global function to internally convert a dense matrix to a cholmod matrix. I'll probably change the others for global functions too.

b) indeed, cholmod_solve does the convertion to a sparse matrix itself, and unfortunately, cholmod_factor_to_sparse modify the factor. that's really unfortunate, I'll handle that later

c) don't worry, there is no CHOLMOD_LLt because CHOLMOD knows if we performed a LLT or LDLT factorization, therefore using CHOLMOD_LDLt is fine. In SparseLLT::compute() cholmod is set to return a LLT factorization.


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