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I've defined a two-dimensional vector type using my own scalar type like so:
typedef Eigen::Matrix<Real, 2, 1> Vector2; I am having trouble constructing an object of this type using two Real objects, likely because there doesn't appear to be a constructor of the form "Matrix (const Scalar &x, const Scalar &y)" according to ... atrix.html I missing something obvious? This works fine for a similar three-dimensional vector typedef since the necessary constructor is present. |
Registered Member
OK, this is a limitation of Eigen 2.0 that thas been overcome in the development branch.
In Eigen 2.0, the 2D vector constructor taking 2 scalars works only with float and double. The reason for that is the conflict with the MatrixXd(int rows, int cols) constructor. Two possibilities: - either you switch to the development branch - or you define a EIGEN_MATRIX_PLUGIN file where you implement the 2d vector constructors for the types you're interested in. For a general plugins howto see this recent thread: viewtopic.php?f=74&t=86581
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