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I have some matrices in Eigen data types format and I want to use them in a GNU Scientific Linrary routines.
Specifically I want to use the routines for 15.6 Real Generalized Nonsymmetric Eigensystems that are here: ... stems.html I would appreciate any advice on how to feed GSL routines with Eigen matrixes. Thank you |
Registered Member
Eigen matrices are stored contiguously, without any padding/stride or anything complicated. Column-major by default, but you can change that. So it should be trivial to pass them to GSL routines. To get a pointer to the array of coefficients of a matrix, call .data()
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Thank you very much.GSL uses row major when storing arrays in the memory?
Registered Member
No idea, look at their documentation. If you want row-major with Eigen, do for example: Matrix<float,Dynamic,Dynamic,RowMajor>
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Thanks. I ll post when I find any convenient tip on using GSL with Eigen
Registered Member
Well I think it's rather simple...
We declare the matrix with RowMajor mode Eigen::Matrix<double,30,30,Eigen::RowMajor> A; and we declare the GSL matrix: gsl_matrix_view Agsl = gsl_matrix_view_array (, 30, 30); I tested it and hope that's it! |
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