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Hi all,
Does Eigen have routines to solve the polar decomposition problem? I finally tried to use the method described below(using SVD to solve polar decomposition): ... atrix.html poldec.m, polar decomposition of a matrix. The question is when using Eigen::SVD, the results are different from Matlab. How should I do polar decomposition using Eigen? For example (only differ in sign):
However, using Eigen, I get:
Another Example(differ in U & V, but the result is the same):
Using Eigen, I get:
Registered Member
The polar decomposition of a singular matrix A (as you have in your examples) is not unique. So it's not a problem if Eigen gives a different result than Matlab. The thing you need to check is, if you compute the decomposition A = PU, that P times U does indeed equal A, that P is positive semi-definite, and that U is unitary. Alternatively, make sure that A is invertible and then the polar decomposition is unique, so Matlab and Eigen should give the same results.
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