Registered Member
When i tried to compile 'SVD.cpp' i get the following error: 1>c:\users\sathya\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\single value decomp\single value decomp\main.h(33): fatal error C1189: #error : EIGEN_TEST_FUNC must be defined Also which '.cpp' should i complie to get the SVD of a matrix.? Please help me out. Thank you |
There is nothing to compile to use Eigen. Here you are trying to compile a unit test.
Please have a look at our documentation: and for the SVD: #include <Eigen/SVD> /* ... */ MatrixXd A(m,n); // fill A JacobiSVD<MatrixXd> svd(A); and then have a llok at the documentation of the JacobiSVD class to know how to use this object: ... l#_details |
Registered Member
Thank u very much for your reply.
It would be really helpful if i could be provided with a simple code as an example for getting 'U,S and V* ' for a 3x3 matrix. Sorry for being naive. Thank you |
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