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I know that's such a dumb question but I am quite new to Eigen. I am trying to solve Ax=x for x but I couldn't get it done in Eigen. A is ~50,000x50,000 real, non-negative sparse matrix. I need to efficiently solve either for the null space of (A-I)x=0 or base eigenvector of the equation, Ax=lambda*x where eigenvalue=lambda would have to be 1. However, I really don't know how to translate these two methods into Eigen :s Any help to efficiently solve the equation above will be highly appreciated! Thanks in advance. |
Registered Member
Looking at the documentation brings up this: ... b0f0c1c3fa
Last edited by bcooksley on Mon Dec 06, 2010 11:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Remove capitals and swearing |
Registered Member
His problem is sparse, not dense. He wants a sparse solver here. say sparse LU for general matrices.
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Thanks bjacob. I checked out the other threads but couldn't find a sol'n for sparse solvers yet. This one seems particularly enlightening: viewtopic.php?f=74&t=83060 I guess, it talks about external modules like cholmod, umfpack but doesn't detail a lot(or such a newbie I am). Now I need to figure out a way to plug these modules into Eigen. I will appreciate your help if you have any idea on how to manage that. |
Registered Member
For sparse stuff, I strongly encourage you to use eigen 3 (the development version).
There you have this tutorial: ... parse.html
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Thanks bjacob! I read the tutorial now I am trying to use SuperLU support module to solve the problem. I've downloaded the SuperLU package from here: and placed it under Eigen directory as SuperLU is not built-in in Eigen.
ref: viewtopic.php?f=74&t=84904
Now that, when I compile the following I got this weird error: Eigen/src/Sparse/SuperLUSupport.h:45: error: 'mem_usage_t' is not a member of 'SuperLU_S' I don't know what's happening there - maybe I am linking the wrong version of SuperLU? Regards. |
Hi invisibleink,
what you need here is a sparse eigen decomposition algorithm that we don't have yet in Eigen. For instance there exist ARPACK++ and SLEPc. I'd recommend the later. |
Registered Member
Gael, all he was asking for was computing the kernel of A-I, shouldn't some form of LU be enough here? Or do you mean that pivoting would be required (to handle singularness) and sparse LU is non-pivoting? Or is it just a matter of accuracy?
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