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include supercopier features


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include supercopier features

Thu Dec 26, 2019 2:36 am
dolphin is a great tool (f4 for terminal, f3 for split windows, just pure genious) but I miss features that are still, after 10 years, not included in win10 -> Supercopier !!

Spinning hard-drives don't like multiple read/write, it can degrade their speed very very fast

So it's doing "smarter" files transfer
- can serialize copies in stead of doing in parallel : it can be based on rules like 'if same source or destination then automatically serialize' or done manually
- live reorder files in the copy list
- live control the speed of a copy
- pause, resume, error/collision management...

it's very useful :
- when copying from a lot of folders into one folder in one drive, you can keep on adding more copies to the list and not affect the transfer speed that is already occuring
- when copying/deleting/moving from/to a lot of sources/harddrives, supercopier can keep maximum hardware speed serialize what needs to, parallelize what can be
- when dealing with transfers that will last hours/days or will be interrupted (i.e put your laptop in sleep)

more informations here

saw a topic asking for it here (but there is no vote possible ?) -> viewtopic.php?f=226&t=121015&p=309855&hilit=supercopier#p309855

hope you'll find my suggestion interesting


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