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MFA support


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MFA support

Wed Sep 01, 2021 11:06 pm
I use Linux with KDE on my work computer, that I take to multiple customer locations with me. There is a rapidly coming requirement at many of my customers to only allow computers on their networks that have MFA enabled. There is (as far as I can find) not MFA support at the login page (using SDDM - I don't expect that to be addressed by KDE unless that is something your group contributes to) nor once logged in with KDE. I'd really detest having to have Microsoft's junk for my daily work. I also cannot blame companies for wanting to make sure that MFA is required on my computer as it's their network that pays the price if my system is not adequately secured for their environment. note: I'm referring here to the main desktop login, not SSH or the text based logins which can be supported by Google Authenticator.

My suggestion/request is that KDE should consider enabling MFA options for GUI level support, so that it's not being kicked out of businesses where it's being used. I might add, some of those requirements are sourcing from insurance companies who are requiring businesses have MFA enabled or risk losing their cyber-security insurance. I appreciate all the hard work that all of the contributors have done that enables me to use freedom computing each day. Please consider this request so that Linux based systems can continue to operate in business environments. Thank You.
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Re: MFA support

Sun Oct 02, 2022 4:55 pm
But that already exists, AFAIK.

You need to understand that Desktop GUIs like KDE do _not_ perform the actual authentication of users when you use a login prompt for example. They only act as a frontend to the underlying system. Which typically is Linux. And that again typically uses PAM for such purposes. Which, given its modular principle, is well able to offer MFA. You just have to configure.

If you do not want that by hand, using the existing documentation, but wish for an easy GUI option for configuration, then you'd need to address the distribution managing your Linux flavor, I'd say.


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