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[Plasmashell] Add description and tags to icon


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Currently, files have description, mark and tags. My idea is to add the same kind of information to icon plasma's element. It has small advantages:
1. No distinguish between files and icons
2. Many years ago, I asks to add possibility to link files to notes element (for example: displayed as link, so user could click this link to open file). This is similar idea, but (maybe?) better. User simple drag file from somewhere, select create icon [plasmoid] and add description, mark and tags. For example: I move Umbrello file and add description: Taking credit; tags: developing, some_project, use case. I can now hover over this icon to see these information. Implementation do not have to be integrated with file indexer, at least at beginning.
3. It will more focus to use activities. I still can add notes, but better if I add organize my workflow with files with additional comment, etc. And - same file could have different metadata for each activity.

There is need to fast edit information related to icon, for example in popup.

Lachu, proud to be a member of KDE forums since 2008-Nov.


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