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[Dolphin] Custom User Commands


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[Dolphin] Custom User Commands

Mon Mar 13, 2023 9:49 pm
Dolphin File Manager
This is another really desired feature that would mean so much to me and hopefully others.
I know others have mentioned this, but does not seem to get the attention that you think it would.
KDE is so known for all its customization / options and Linux is known for command line functionality that it seems like it is so meant to be, wouldn't think I would have to ask for this one.

Looking to have the option added for users to be able to create their own custom toolbar buttons / commands / hotkeys assigned to them.
KDE already has this functionality available, could basically take the overall idea right from Krusader which uses "ActionMan". Could be a little less detailed than ActionMan but same concept. I guess what I am trying to say is that it is about time to let Dolphin get a little action (sorry).

Okay focus...
This feature would add so much customization abilities to Dolphin.
Anything you could do in a terminal (which in Linux is basically everything) could be used.
Would allow users to be able to apply all kinds of commands to their files with a click of a mouse or a push of a button.
Would also allow users to be able to pass files to all kinds of other applications.
The possibilities are endless!

I have seen a couple other file managers in Linux already adding this, yet this kind of customization has KDEs name all over it. This would be a very exciting feature to be added, hard to really find a reason not to add this one.
I have more stuff to share about this but I think this is a good start, just want to see how this post is received by others.

Hopefully others agree, please vote for this one.
Thank you to anyone who reads this.
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Re: [Dolphin] Custom User Commands

Mon May 22, 2023 10:16 pm
How is this possible?
You mean to tell me that Linux users who are all about custom commands, that are also KDE users that are all about having tons of features available, this combination of users and not a single vote for something like this?

Not a single person would find having custom toolbar buttons / hotkeys useful?


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