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KDE Brainstorming FAQs


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KDE Brainstorming FAQs

Sat Feb 28, 2009 2:29 pm
Welcome to the KDE Brainstorm area!
This article will give you an general view of how things are done here and how to start with brainstorming.

What is KDE Brainstorm about?
KDE Brainstorm is an area dedicated for posting constructive ideas about KDE. Ideas are reviewed, voted upon, and looked into by developers and/or pushed to if it turns out to be popular.

How do I submit my idea?
Click on the Post new idea button to submit your idea. In the new idea page, fill in an appropriate title that describes your idea well. For the description part, your idea must have a proper proposition and a solution. You can (optionally) embed images of reasonable sizes and subjects (preferably, thumbnails not more than 200 pixels wide.)
An idea should also have the application name added in the tags area. Any user can add/remove tags from an idea.

How are my ideas processed?
All new ideas at the Brainstorm area are not opened up for public voting unless they are approved by an idea moderator or a forum staff. Once approved, your idea will appear at the voting area. Users have voting controls on each idea page:


Ideas with large positive votes are considered and looked into by developers and are handled accordingly.
Please note that comments that have any form of trolling, rant or unnecessary bashing will be immediately removed from the idea. Please make sure that you follow the KDE Code of Conduct while adding a comment to an idea.

How are ideas moderated?
Ideas are handled by the Idea Moderators and the KDE Forum staff (Admins and Global Mods). Idea moderators can be recognized by this badge:


Moderators can close ideas, view detailed info such as voting trends, close discussions and delete ideas. They also review and approve ideas before they are visible to users for voting.

How do I report duplicates?
If you come across an idea that has been proposed before, we encourage you to report it as a duplicate (you can do that from the menu next to the "Reply to topic" button on the idea page). The moderator team will look into your report and act accordingly.

What are the idea posting guidelines?
  • Is it really an idea? Please check if what you are proposing is not a bug. Bug reports belong to
  • Check before you post. If you are seeking (non-)technical assistance, or want to carry out a discussion and not propose an idea, please consider starting a topic at its application specific (sub)forum. All discussions (except for comments on ideas) go at the forum's Discussions & Opinions area.
  • Has it been proposed before? Make sure you search for duplicates before you post your idea. Duplicate ideas often cause confusion and spoil the voting scenario.
  • Posts should be precise and descriptive. Try to make your ideas easy to understand. Great ideas when not presented properly are often voted down and eventually lost.
  • Avoid generic posts. Ideas like "Make XYZ better" without a proper solution telling how to do it are rejected by the moderators in most cases.
  • Posts should be sufficiently detailed. For ideas like "Incorporate feature XYZ" or "Make program ABC like program XYZ", please explain the idea so that it can be understood by people who have never seen the feature or program. Similarly, if you need to use terms specific to a particular career or field of study, you should explain them so that people outside the career or field can understand the idea. You can include links for more information, but people should not need to visit the link to understand the idea.
  • Be respectful. Follow the KDE Code of Conduct while posting ideas/comments. Don't use ideas to insult/attack projects/people. Such posts would be deleted without notice.

If you have any other queries related to KDE Brainstorm, please post it at our Feedback area.

Last edited by sayakb on Fri Jun 01, 2012 7:56 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Reason: Updated content


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