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Currently, due to space limitations longs items in the playlist can be shortened (with "..."). This makes it impossible to read the whole text, though. I think it would be useful if, when you hover your mouse over shortened text like this, the text would scroll in the space provided in order to let you see all of it.
Man is the lowest-cost, 150-pound, nonlinear, all-purpose computer system which can be mass-produced by unskilled labor.
-NASA in 1965 |
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Good idea. but please, only when it's selected or when mouse hovers over it. would be quite distracting to see 10+ scrolling titles at once...
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Yes, that would probably also take a lot of processor power.
Man is the lowest-cost, 150-pound, nonlinear, all-purpose computer system which can be mass-produced by unskilled labor.
-NASA in 1965 |
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Why not a simple popup? It could contain more data than just unfitted title like album, rating, compositor etc (if not visible in layout))
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I already proposed that idea in a separate thread: [Amarok] customizable thumbnail when hovering playlist item. This idea does not take up any additional space, though.
Man is the lowest-cost, 150-pound, nonlinear, all-purpose computer system which can be mass-produced by unskilled labor.
-NASA in 1965 |
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increasingly I hate pop-ups... +1 to scrolling on hover. Perhaps it could be adopted more generally as a paradigm in list windows (e.g. kmail)
... ok with 2 votes *against* this idea I better give a bit more explanation. Pop-up on hover has a significant disadvantage to me in that the pop-up covers other window content - including content that gives context to the pop-up itself - and it may appear just because you accidentally "left the pointer" somewhere. Now in some applications that make extensive use of pop-ups it can be hard to get the mouse in a safe position at all. Especially as screen corners and edges can have special functions as well. But it can be equally hard to work out what element of the original display a particular pop-up is describing. This is all bad. It is not to say pop-ups don't have a place; but there is sufficient that is bad about them to make you consider alternatives. IMO scrolling of a single text field is a very useful alternative. It is less obtrusive; it is intuitive; you know where the information belongs - it never leaves the place it belongs. And because it doesn't involve a new window there is probably less chance of programatic bugs (e.g. in dependencies like X11) causing pop-up windows to stick around after they should have gone away. Here's hoping this explanation is convincing to at least some of those doubters.
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