Rather than choosing a "type" of background, I think it may make sense to implement "layers" for the Desktop Background.
A raw image would be the default bottom layer that you can choose. Beyond this, plugins such as the snow effect, the Virus background, and so forth would become an effect layer, as opposed to a totally new background type or kwin plugin.
Using layers could also decide where these effects take place (on top of windows? widgets? etc), as well as which widgets can stay on top of windows and so forth. It'd take a new approach to all the new features KDE has while centralizing the place where they appear.
Last edited by envalin on Mon Sep 13, 2010 5:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.
I dont actually get it. I find that very complex idea. Already the System Settings still would need a few integrations. Like "Application Appearance" and "Workspace Appearance" being joined as one "Appearance"
Like people usually change theme with window decoration. So now you need to play with two different location instead one.
This doesn't have anything to do with the system settings right now, with the exception of pulling out the "snow" effect out of the "Desktop Effects" category. This essentially just pertains to the right-click menu on the desktop.
What it is simplifying is the fact that right now, you have experimental layers such as "Virus" (I believe I got it packed in with the weather background and mandelbrot), which essentially are just an overlaying effect, like snow. So rather than finding one in system settings and one as an alternate background, you simply add an effect layer. You could also theoretically have certain widgets on different layers, that way you can keep some above the windows and some below.
If it makes any more sense, each one of those panes in the mockup above are clickable and take you to a separate dialog where you change settings according to the layer (such as the background image).
Sorry for the double post... I think I understand what you're saying now. I didn't actually mean for window theme and plasma themes to be changed from this dialog, but I actually like the idea of it. You could keep it in System Settings too, but for me, it was always more convenient to change the Plasma theme from the right click. Now, it would be a right click to bring up a menu essentially for if I wanted to change my background, plasma theme, kwin theme, or effects. Basically, all visual elements in one nice looking menu.
I think that the new possibilities that idea allows are not worth the additional complexity it brings.
Currently, widgets are on top of the background, and below windows. From an average user point of view, it is already complex. Allowing to add other layers, to have effects below windows and some plasmoids on top of them will bring even more complexity.
Plasma improved from release to release in terms of user-friendliness. I think adding this possibility is going the wrong way.
To counter that, I'd say that layers don't necessarily have to be "unlocked" (offering an advanced and simple mode). Simple mode would simply give you 3 or 4 layers: (1) the background, (2) the windows, and (3) plasma, the (4) being an effect of choice. Advanced mode would just allow you to add more layers and split widgets between layers, or have some windows that are always on top as defined by this screen.
Even as just 3 layers that can't be moved, I would say it ends up making more sense organizationally. If you want to change the appearance of your desktop, just right click. No digging through system settings just to find the plasma themes. If we count the clicks, this is 2 clicks away from changing your background, kwin theme, or plasma theme, as opposed to the current 3-4 (Kickoff>System Settings (if in favorites, otherwise more clicks)>Appearance>Plasma/Kwin theme). Not to mention that window widgets and decorations aren't in the same sections still as well, which is apt to confuse new users even more.
Also would it be nice to sent a layer with the right clickmenu to the background. For example hidding icons layer or widgets layer behind the wallpaper layer. In this way it's easier and more flexible for users to get the focus on a desktop object.
Very good idea. Actually there exists a few background plugins for plasma. One of them (wallpaper clock) don't work property. Redesign wallpaper's plugins system shouldn't hurt - I don't know it is very hard to implement stackable plugins system, but plugins author will/must patch plugins instead of breaking whole project.
Lachu, proud to be a member of KDE forums since 2008-Nov.
Dunno if this would make sense, but after reading a recent post by Aaron, Activities could become a permanent top layer, which would give the whole Activities concept a more visual understanding for users. The layer would have to have left and right arrows next to it to be able to easily switch left and right on activities.
Good idea. I think it would be good to extend this idea with a layer switcher. This is a switcher like an activity or a windows switcher, but then for layers. In this way users can bring a layer to the foreground (or set to the background) just like in an image editor. With a shortkey (alt l) users can bring for example all plasmoids to the foreground.
I just dont get it. Please someone explain why avarage user or me would like to have possibility to move widgets behind background, or bring widgets top of the windows, or having widgets scattered to multiple layers?
I find all that just so... unrelated.
As I can now choose some effects like "Snow" to work top of the window or behind window. I would not want widgets behind wallpaper as I want it to be behind everything.
I dont want widgets top of the windows as thats why I have dashboard where I can set widgets if I want them top of the window or I dont want them to desktop.
And why I would like to have widgets to multiple layers? I can already move widgets to overlap each others if wanted.
Does this someway fix the locking mechanism that I (user) dont need to lock and unlock plasma to do work with widgets?
There is already a wish on BKO about having option to set widget top of windows. Does this change that someway?
I already find out activities and virtual desktops very complex thing for normal user. And this I feel would just add more features what would have very little use for widgets, background or windows by anyway. As at least I dont want to start managing any layers so I can use desktop. And that is the one thing why I dont like so much about activities either as I can not link different tasks to different activities as one project does use them in different ways and I usually work with multiple projects at same time with shared tasks. Thats why by some point I already find out that KDE Plasma desktop idea of activities and GNOME 3 idea of activities are already some way dead from the start because their activity managers.
And thats why I would really much hope someone would explain what functions this "layers" thing would bring for me or any avarage user?