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Konqueror Work State Constructor


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It would be nice if one could not only make tabs and recursive split views with kparts in them but if one could also save that state, say as a desktop icon. So to come back, you could just click on the icon and everything will come up in that window as it was.

e.g. I might like to setup things I often use together in different panes.. Let's say a web page on the left, my task list in the upper right and a kword document on the lower right. I do a certain kind of work with this configuration. I might have others in other tabs. But in any case, I'd like to then save this configuration as a desktop icon (and/or kmenu item) and bring it back on demand.

I might have one setup for what I do at home.. Another setup for what I do at work. And perhaps others for different kinds of things I do, sometimes.

Personally, I don't like the idea of different applications existing in isolation. I'd much rather just put the various things they do together in "work state" that effectively is the application I need for what I do. I think kparts are ideal for this--a spreadsheet in one pain, a kword document in another, a video player in another... etc. and on tabs, too.

Actually, a state saving/recover feature for each multiple desktop would be nice, too.
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RE: Konqueror Work State Constructor

Wed Mar 25, 2009 10:35 pm
Try edit Konqueror profiles, I think that's what you want.
If not please explain how its different. For now I'll mark it as Already Implemented. If you feel that's not a case please explain.

Primoz, proud to be a member of KDE forums since 2008-Nov.


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