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[KDE forums] navigation bar at the bottom is not good

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I really like the style & look of this forum, looks polished and clean. But one thing that immediately started to annoy me personally is the navigation bar at the bottom. Problem is that when hovering over links (and the forum is full of links), the bottom bar gets obscured by the URL overlay of the browser (it's like this in Chromium and FIrefox).

Every forum I have used in my life so far has some kind of bread crumbs style navigation at the top. Here there is at least the "Board index" link and the KDE logo that brings me back to the index. But I don't see any link at the top that brings me back to the index of a *parent* forum? Like I'm now at "Workspace -> Plasma 5", the only options seems to be to use the browsers back button (I don't want to), or the bottom nav bar. But the nav bar is obscured all the time, like this:

For example:


When I manage to hover over the nav menu, then on a sub forum menu entry, it's also not nice to get this:


Other than that I like Plasma 5 and this forum ;)



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