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Please delete/disable my account

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Please delete/disable my account

Tue Jun 09, 2020 9:19 pm
I was once an avid Kubuntu and KDE user but I moved away with the arrival Plasma 5 as I didn't like it.

However, I recently installed Kubuntu 20.04 on a spare laptop and I intend to keep it for as long as the laptop remains serviceable but after a review of the profiles/accounts/log-ins that I've accumulated over the past 20 years I've decided that this forum account is surplus to requirements. Any contributions to Kubuntu or KDE will be via the bug trackers and may be occasional ISO testing.

Please disable or delete this account as appropriate so that I have one less log-in and password to manage.

Thank you.

(I've already asked for my KDE Identity to be deleted elsewhere)


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