Registered Member
My wife uses the sticky notes plasmoid for her entire todo list.
One click in the wrong place and it was deleted forever without so much as a "Delete this? OK / Cancel". Almost any solution would be saner than this, but the basic idea is to be able to have at least some plasmoids ask before being forever lost. Exactly which ones and how I'm open to. |
Oh YES please do this - I can't tell you how many time I deleted a quicklaunch plasmoid when I only wanted to remove a single icon
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Hey Google01103,
If you'd like it, how about voting it up (by pushing the green "up" arrow to the left) |
Registered Member
we can't yet, I would prefer for the data to be kept though rather than for confirmation, sometimes I want to temporarily remove a plasmoid
voting not yet allowed - has to go thru some kind of approval review first |
maybe you should start a separate voting thread with this else it may not get recognized |
Registered Member
kde is about having your cake and eating it too: delete plasmoid and plasmoid data; delete plasmoid only ; cancel |
KDE Developer
an undo feature would probably make more sense.
a confirmation dialog would suck, marking only which plasmoids get one would lead to inconsistent behaviour, and asking questions like "delete plasmoid and plasmoid data" is not particularly approachable for someone who doesn't have a deep understanding of what goes where and stores data where.
aseigo, proud to be a member of KDE forums since 2008-Oct.
Sooner or later we all make a mistake. I'd definitely vote for an Undo.
annew, proud to be a member of KDE forums since 2008-Oct and a KDE user since 2002.
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+1 for undo (I think I've posted something similar here in Brainstorm, a long time ago).
It would be nice if it worked for panels as well. Seeing how some users delete accidentally their panels, we can conclude that a confirm dialog doesn't work all the time.
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I'd prefer an undo to a confirmation, but I'd find either useful.
Another possibility: plasmoids that have been customized will use that data by default if a new instance is created. An RSS plasmoid that has had feeds assigned to it would use those feeds as a default for a new instance of that RSS plasmoid.
Proudly dual-booting openSUSE 11.1 with KDE 4.3 and Windows Vista on a Toshiba A205-S4577 since July 2007.
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Registered Member
Better idea is add deleted plasmoid database as in Firefox(closed tabs). It can be compared to minimizing plasmoid, but deleted plasmoid will disappear until some time.
Use cases: I don't wanna QuickLaunch placed there, because is better placement for Kickof Menu, but I don't know, where can I placed QuickLaunch. Removing it from desktop will hide it and next can I switch activity to place plasmoid on other activity!
Lachu, proud to be a member of KDE forums since 2008-Nov.
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Perhaps the "delete" button could have a slider over the button? You slide it down, and click the button. Horrendous mockup below:
Reformed lurker.
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I hate confirmations on stuff, however undo, or the plasmoid storing the data and coming back with it are both good solutions to the problem.
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